Foulby Map, Satellite view of Foulby, West Yorkshire, England

Foulby is located in West Yorkshire County, Wakefield District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Foulby

Latitude of city of Foulby is 53.65473 and longitude of city of Foulby is -1.39870. Foulby has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Foulby is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Foulby

WF4 1

Administrative division of Foulby

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Foulby

Latitude : 53.65473
Longitude : -1.39870

Online Map of Foulby - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Foulby weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Foulby?

List of Railway Stations near to Foulby
The nearest railway stations to Foulby are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Foulby
Streethouse Station2.38 Km
Fitzwilliam Station2.95 Km
Featherstone Station3.79 Km
Normanton Station5.35 Km
Sandal And Agbrigg Station5.53 Km
Wakefield Kirkgate Station6.49 Km
Pontefract Tanshelf Station6.84 Km
Glasshoughton Station7.10 Km
Pontefract Baghill Station7.52 Km
Wakefield Westgate Station7.75 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Foulby?

List of Stops near to Foulby
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Foulby are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Foulby
Nostell Priory Holiday Park Bus Stop (opp)19 m
Nostell Priory Holiday Park Bus Stop (adj)42 m
Doncaster Rd Towers Lane Bus Stop503 m
Doncaster Rd Towers Lane Bus Stop (adj)556 m
Doncaster Road Windmill Hill Bus Stop784 m
Doncaster Rd Towers Ln Bus Stop785 m
Doncaster Road Nostell Priory Gates Bus Stop932 m
Doncaster Road Nostell Priory Gates Bus Stop (opp)998 m
Garmil Lane Nostell Priory Gates Bus Stop1.04 Km
Garmil Lane Nostell Priory Gates Bus Stop (S bound)1.06 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Foulby

List of Historic places near to Foulby

NameDistances from Foulby
Nostell Priory0.72 Km
Sandal Castle6.11 Km
Pontefract Castle7.81 Km
Monk Bretton Priory11.38 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England14.57 Km
Temple Newsam House14.97 Km
Cities or Towns near Foulby

List of places near to

Wragby1.16 Km
Sharlston1.22 Km
New Crofton1.28 Km
Sharlston Common1.80 Km
Crofton1.96 Km
West Hardwick2.04 Km
Streethouse2.39 Km
Wintersett2.43 Km
Fitzwilliam2.63 Km
Snydale2.83 Km
Newstead3.12 Km
New Sharlston3.21 Km
Hessle3.36 Km
Brackenhill3.39 Km
Featherstone3.42 Km
Havercroft3.51 Km
Kinsley3.68 Km
Ryhill3.73 Km
Purston Jaglin3.74 Km
Old Snydale3.76 Km
Ackworth Moor Top3.92 Km
Horse Race End4.07 Km
Warmfield4.09 Km
Mount Pleasant4.13 Km
High Ackworth4.22 Km
Woodhouse Common4.22 Km
Ackton4.29 Km
Rhyddings4.33 Km
Cold Hiendley4.40 Km
Walton4.49 Km
Goosehill4.53 Km
Woodhouse4.55 Km
Strawberry Hill4.59 Km
Heath Common4.67 Km
Charlestown Estate4.70 Km
Kirkthorpe4.73 Km
Heath4.85 Km
Low Ackworth4.92 Km
South Hiendley5.04 Km
Normanton5.13 Km
North Featherstone5.16 Km
West End5.34 Km
Felkirk5.41 Km
Agbrigg5.42 Km
Woodthorpe5.45 Km
Hemsworth5.45 Km
Cross Hill5.45 Km
Sandal Magna5.46 Km
Hopetown5.55 Km
Green Hill5.55 Km