Foldrings Map, Satellite view of Foldrings, South Yorkshire, England

Foldrings is located in South Yorkshire County, Sheffield District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Foldrings

Latitude of city of Foldrings is 53.44092 and longitude of city of Foldrings is -1.56494. Foldrings has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of South Yorkshire.
The County of Foldrings is South Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Foldrings

S35 0

Administrative division of Foldrings

County :South Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Foldrings

Latitude : 53.44092
Longitude : -1.56494

Online Map of Foldrings - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Foldrings in the United Kingdom

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Foldrings weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Foldrings?

List of Railway Stations near to Foldrings
The nearest railway stations to Foldrings are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Foldrings
Chapeltown Station6.95 Km
Sheffield Station9.75 Km
Penistone Station10.16 Km
Meadowhall Station10.41 Km
Silkstone Common Station10.45 Km
Elsecar Station11.14 Km
Dodworth Station11.71 Km
Darnall Station11.88 Km
Wombwell Station13.01 Km
Dore and Totley Station13.02 Km

Airports Near to Foldrings

Sheffield City Heliport , UK (12.79 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Foldrings?

List of Stops near to Foldrings
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Foldrings are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Foldrings
Green Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.02 Km
School Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.05 Km
Langsett Road North Bus Stop (at)1.10 Km
Main Road Bus Stop (at)1.13 Km
Brightholmlee Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.26 Km
Brightholmlee Lane Bus Stop (on)1.27 Km
Brightholmlee Lane Bus Stop1.28 Km
Brightholmlee Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.32 Km
Broom Royd Bus Stop (adj)1.40 Km
Bedford Road Bus Stop (nr)1.48 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Foldrings

List of Historic places near to Foldrings

NameDistances from Foldrings
Wentworth Castle Gardens9.77 Km
Wentworth, Holy Trinity Church10.25 Km
Beauchief Abbey12.69 Km
Cities or Towns near Foldrings

List of places near to

Onesacre0.97 Km
Coldwell1.17 Km
Brightholmlee1.17 Km
Wharncliffe Side1.29 Km
Edge Mount1.54 Km
Oughtibridge1.77 Km
Worrall2.50 Km
Holdworth2.51 Km
High Bradfield2.58 Km
Ewden Village2.81 Km
Low Holdworth3.12 Km
Stacey Bank3.23 Km
Low Bradfield3.31 Km
Bolsterstone3.42 Km
Waldershaigh3.61 Km
Middlewood3.79 Km
Royd3.80 Km
Carr Head3.89 Km
Dungworth3.92 Km
Hollin Busk4.07 Km
Wood Royd4.11 Km
Grenoside4.12 Km
Bracken Moor4.15 Km
Deepcar4.18 Km
Storrs4.25 Km
Birley Edge4.26 Km
Old Haywoods4.28 Km
Loxley4.31 Km
Cundy Hos4.39 Km
Normandale4.41 Km
Knoll Top4.45 Km
Wadsley4.45 Km
East Whitwell4.46 Km
Stubbin4.46 Km
Wigtwizzle4.52 Km
Wood Willows4.52 Km
Spink Hall4.56 Km
Hall Broom4.63 Km
Thornseat4.69 Km
Hill Top4.70 Km
Wisewood4.70 Km
Ughill4.74 Km
Shay House4.74 Km
Birley Carr4.77 Km
Barnes Hall4.77 Km
Hillsborough4.86 Km
Studfield Hill4.89 Km
Wood Seats4.89 Km
Wadsley Bridge4.97 Km
Hallowmoor5.03 Km