Falside Map, Satellite view of Falside, West Lothian, Scotland

Falside is located in West Lothian County, West Lothian, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Falside

Latitude of city of Falside is 55.89793 and longitude of city of Falside is -3.66415. Falside has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Lothian.
The County of Falside is West Lothian.

Postcode / zip code of Falside

EH48 2

Administrative division of Falside

County :West Lothian

GPS coordinates of Falside

Latitude : 55.89793
Longitude : -3.66415

Online Map of Falside - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Falside weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Falside?

List of Railway Stations near to Falside
The nearest railway stations to Falside are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Falside
Bathgate Station1.75 Km
Armadale Station2.38 Km
Blackridge Station5.61 Km
Addiewell Station7.05 Km
Livingston North Station7.48 Km
West Calder Station7.80 Km
Breich Station7.86 Km
Fauldhouse Station9.07 Km
Linlithgow Station9.71 Km
Polmont Station10.16 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Falside?

List of Stops near to Falside
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Falside are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Falside
Durham Avenue Bus Stop (at)91 m
Durham Avenue Bus Stop (opp)92 m
Falside Crescent Bus Stop (at)218 m
Hope Park Gardens Bus Stop (opp)277 m
Boghead Cemetery Bus Stop (at)282 m
Boghead Cemetery Bus Stop (opp)288 m
Hope Park Gardens Bus Stop (before)306 m
Travelling Peoples Site Bus Stop (opp)419 m
Travelling Peoples Site Bus Stop (at)434 m
Glasgow Road Bus Stop (before)484 m

Historic Places to Visit near Falside

List of Historic places near to Falside

NameDistances from Falside
Torphichen Preceptory4.16 Km
Cairnpapple Hill4.20 Km
Annet House Museum and Garden9.50 Km
Linlithgow Palace9.71 Km
Church of St Michael, Linlithgow9.71 Km
Westquarter Dovecot11.28 Km
Kinneil Museum12.30 Km
Kinneil House12.30 Km
Callendar House12.51 Km
House of the Binns13.32 Km
Blackness Castle14.87 Km
Watling Lodge (Antonine Wall)14.93 Km
Cities or Towns near Falside

List of places near to

Windyknowe0.15 Km
Whiteside1.02 Km
Paulville1.11 Km
Standhill1.29 Km
Bathgate1.48 Km
Belvedere1.55 Km
Bathville1.86 Km
Mayfield1.93 Km
Glenmavis2.14 Km
Armadale2.24 Km
Ballencrieff Toll2.29 Km
Guildiehaugh2.63 Km
Barbauchlaw2.85 Km
East Whitburn3.24 Km
Boghall3.39 Km
Bridge Castle3.41 Km
Whitburn3.71 Km
Blackburn3.94 Km
Torphichen4.00 Km
Blaeberryhill4.12 Km
Westfield4.17 Km
Croftmalloch4.40 Km
Strathloanhead5.10 Km
Seafield5.11 Km
Westrigg5.67 Km
Stoneyburn5.95 Km
Greenrigg6.00 Km
Longridge6.03 Km
Bents6.12 Km
Wester Dechmont6.40 Km
Avonbridge6.42 Km
Addiewell6.60 Km
Deans6.61 Km
Blackridge6.65 Km
Freeport Village6.65 Km
Loganlea6.67 Km
Harthill6.83 Km
Addiebrownhill6.85 Km
Eliburn6.93 Km
Standburn7.08 Km
Belsyde7.17 Km
Loan7.32 Km
Mossend7.43 Km
Kirkton7.69 Km
Kirton Campus7.69 Km
Livingston Village7.69 Km
Eastfield7.69 Km
Breich7.71 Km
West Calder7.72 Km
Knightsridge8.01 Km