Ettingshall Map, Satellite view of Ettingshall, West Midlands, England

Ettingshall is located in West Midlands County, City of Wolverhampton District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Ettingshall

Latitude of city of Ettingshall is 52.56035 and longitude of city of Ettingshall is -2.10208. Ettingshall has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Midlands.
The County of Ettingshall is West Midlands.

Postcode / zip code of Ettingshall

WV4 6

Administrative division of Ettingshall

County :West Midlands

GPS coordinates of Ettingshall

Latitude : 52.56035
Longitude : -2.10208

Online Map of Ettingshall - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Ettingshall weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Ettingshall?

List of Railway Stations near to Ettingshall
The nearest railway stations to Ettingshall are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ettingshall
Coseley Station2.02 Km
Wolverhampton Station3.28 Km
Tipton Station4.14 Km
Dudley Port Station5.33 Km
Bescot Stadium Station7.51 Km
Walsall Station8.37 Km
Sandwell and Dudley Station8.40 Km
Tame Bridge Parkway Station8.55 Km
Bloxwich Station8.88 Km
Bilbrook Station9.05 Km

Airports Near to Ettingshall

Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport , UK (11.66 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ettingshall?

List of Stops near to Ettingshall
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ettingshall are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ettingshall
Lanesfield Drive Bus Stop (adj)112 m
Lanesfield Drive Bus Stop (opp)115 m
Wood St Bus Stop (adj)314 m
Railway Bridge Bus Stop (opp)398 m
Railway Bridge Bus Stop (adj)419 m
Wood St Bus Stop (opp)456 m
Barton Rd Bus Stop (before)475 m
Hill Avenue Bus Stop (opp)481 m
Laburnam Rd Bus Stop (opp)484 m
Barton Rd Bus Stop (opp)486 m

Historic Places to Visit near Ettingshall

List of Historic places near to Ettingshall

NameDistances from Ettingshall
Bilston Craft Gallery2.27 Km
Wolverhampton Art Gallery3.40 Km
Bantock House and Park4.24 Km
Black Country Living Museum4.63 Km
Wightwick Manor6.62 Km
Moseley Old Hall8.58 Km
Chillington Hall12.90 Km
Patshull, St Marys Church14.01 Km
Cities or Towns near Ettingshall

List of places near to

Lanesfield0.51 Km
Spring Vale0.71 Km
Parkfield0.78 Km
Millfields0.88 Km
Ettingshall Park1.11 Km
Woodcross1.12 Km
Freezeland1.18 Km
Ladymoor1.28 Km
Priestfield1.37 Km
Deepfields1.38 Km
Rough Hills1.44 Km
Cinder Hill1.49 Km
Bilston1.60 Km
Highfields1.71 Km
Greenleighs1.78 Km
Upper Ettingshall1.80 Km
Stow Heath1.81 Km
Daisy Bank1.85 Km
Hurst Hill1.85 Km
Goldthorn Park1.87 Km
Green Lanes2.04 Km
Monmore Green2.09 Km
Roseville2.11 Km
Bradley2.20 Km
Coseley2.26 Km
The Coppice2.30 Km
Blakenhall2.36 Km
Stow Lawn2.37 Km
Hall Green2.37 Km
West Coseley2.47 Km
Sedgley2.52 Km
Batmans Hill2.52 Km
Bunker's Hill2.58 Km
Colton Hills2.69 Km
Loxdale2.76 Km
Swan Village2.79 Km
Princes End2.80 Km
Goldthorn Hill2.82 Km
Bramford2.83 Km
Wallbrook2.83 Km
Moseley Village2.86 Km
Wednesbury Oak2.99 Km
The Lunt3.02 Km
Lower Bradley3.04 Km
St Chads3.08 Km
Parkes Hall3.13 Km
Portobello3.14 Km
Woodsetton3.17 Km
Bloomfield3.31 Km
Wolverhampton3.44 Km