Erdington Map, Satellite view of Erdington, West Midlands, England

Erdington is located in West Midlands County, Birmingham District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Erdington

Latitude of city of Erdington is 52.52734 and longitude of city of Erdington is -1.83230. Erdington has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Midlands.
The County of Erdington is West Midlands.

Postcode / zip code of Erdington

B24 9

Administrative division of Erdington

County :West Midlands

GPS coordinates of Erdington

Latitude : 52.52734
Longitude : -1.83230

Online Map of Erdington - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Erdington in the United Kingdom

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Erdington weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Erdington?

List of Railway Stations near to Erdington
The nearest railway stations to Erdington are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Erdington
Erdington Station498 m
Chester Road Station923 m
Gravelly Hill Station1.94 Km
Wylde Green Station2.04 Km
Aston Station3.71 Km
Witton Station3.90 Km
Sutton Coldfield Station4.21 Km
Perry Barr Station4.87 Km
Stechford Station4.94 Km
Duddeston Station5.08 Km

Airports Near to Erdington

Birmingham International Airport , UK (9.96 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Erdington?

List of Stops near to Erdington
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Erdington are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Erdington
Orchard Road Bus Stop (after)60 m
Orphanage Rd Bus Stop135 m
Orphanage Rd Bus Stop (after)140 m
Orphanage Rd Bus Stop (before)153 m
St Edmund Campion School Bus Stop187 m
St Edmund Campion School Bus Stop203 m
Orchard Rd Bus Stop (adj)241 m
Orchard Rd Bus Stop (opp)244 m
Edwards Rd Bus Stop (before)263 m
Erdington Fire Station Bus Stop263 m

Historic Places to Visit near Erdington

List of Historic places near to Erdington

NameDistances from Erdington
Birmingham Back to Backs7.34 Km
Selly Manor12.71 Km
Wall Roman Site (Letocetum Baths and Museum)14.45 Km
Tamworth Castle14.87 Km
Cities or Towns near Erdington

List of places near to

Chester Road0.85 Km
Birches Green1.11 Km
Pype Hayes1.65 Km
Gravelly Hill1.90 Km
Short Heath1.94 Km
Tyburn2.02 Km
Stockland Green2.06 Km
Boldmere2.08 Km
Wylde Green2.39 Km
Perry Common2.61 Km
Walmley2.65 Km
Bromford2.66 Km
Oscott2.70 Km
Upper Witton2.84 Km
New Oscott2.87 Km
Thimble End3.08 Km
Castle Vale3.16 Km
Witton3.37 Km
Nechells3.58 Km
Washwood Heath3.69 Km
Hodgehill3.74 Km
Maney3.75 Km
Ward End3.83 Km
Sutton Coldfield3.89 Km
Royal Sutton Coldfield4.02 Km
Kingstanding4.19 Km
Buckland End4.26 Km
Perry4.32 Km
Tudor Hill4.32 Km
Minworth4.36 Km
Reddicap Heath4.46 Km
Aston4.49 Km
Alum Rock4.57 Km
Stechford4.68 Km
Castle Bromwich4.71 Km
Saltley4.75 Km
Four Oaks Park4.87 Km
Birchfield4.88 Km
Banners Gate4.95 Km
Colehall4.96 Km
Vauxhall4.99 Km
Old Oscott5.03 Km
Aston New Town5.11 Km
Glebe Farm5.13 Km
Falcon Lodge5.27 Km
Nechells Green5.32 Km
Doe Bank5.33 Km
Whitehouse Common5.42 Km
Ladywood5.44 Km
Shard End5.50 Km