Ellistown Map, Satellite view of Ellistown, Leicestershire, England

Ellistown is located in Leicestershire County, North West Leicestershire District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Ellistown

Latitude of city of Ellistown is 52.69425 and longitude of city of Ellistown is -1.36414. Ellistown has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Leicestershire.
The County of Ellistown is Leicestershire.

Postcode / zip code of Ellistown

LE67 1

Administrative division of Ellistown

County :Leicestershire

GPS coordinates of Ellistown

Latitude : 52.69425
Longitude : -1.36414

Online Map of Ellistown - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Ellistown in the United Kingdom

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Ellistown weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Ellistown?

List of Railway Stations near to Ellistown
The nearest railway stations to Ellistown are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ellistown
Loughborough Station14.73 Km
Barrow-Upon-Soar Station15.99 Km
Narborough Station17.46 Km
Leicester Station17.56 Km
Sileby Station17.62 Km
Hinckley Station17.72 Km
Atherstone Station18.07 Km
Polesworth Station18.28 Km
Syston Station18.99 Km
Nuneaton Station19.84 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ellistown?

List of Stops near to Ellistown
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ellistown are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ellistown
St Christopher's Road Bus Stop (opp)95 m
St Christopher's Road Bus Stop (adj)164 m
Primary School Bus Stop (adj)186 m
Primary School Bus Stop (opp)296 m
Working Mens Club Bus Stop (adj)476 m
Parkers Close Bus Stop (adj)532 m
Parkers Close Bus Stop (opp)559 m
Amazon Bus Stop (adj)592 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (adj)641 m
Amazon Bus Stop (opp)648 m

Cities or Towns near Ellistown

List of places near to

Battram1.43 Km
Hugglescote2.06 Km
Donington le Heath2.08 Km
Bardon2.22 Km
Ibstock2.38 Km
Coalville2.96 Km
Snibston3.02 Km
Belcher's Bar3.27 Km
Greenhill3.34 Km
Bagworth3.36 Km
Stanton under Bardon3.62 Km
Ravenstone3.85 Km
Agar Nook4.02 Km
Heather4.04 Km
Nailstone4.09 Km
New Swannington4.52 Km
Thornton4.53 Km
Odstone4.81 Km
Whitwick5.09 Km
Barlestone5.22 Km
Sinope5.29 Km
Osbaston Hollow5.44 Km
Copt Oak5.46 Km
Barton in the Beans5.51 Km
Swannington5.58 Km
Normanton le Heath5.67 Km
Markfield5.87 Km
Bufton5.90 Km
Newbold Heath5.98 Km
Swepstone6.17 Km
Coleorton Moor6.19 Km
Merry Lees6.41 Km
Newton Burgoland6.44 Km
Oaks in Charnwood6.52 Km
Osbaston6.59 Km
Thringstone6.66 Km
Peggs Green6.89 Km
Field Head6.92 Km
Carlton7.03 Km
Shackerstone7.07 Km
Coleorton7.09 Km
Farm Town7.09 Km
Church Town7.25 Km
Bondman Hays7.26 Km
Woolrooms7.27 Km
Newbold Verdon7.35 Km
Botcheston7.66 Km
Hunt's Lane7.80 Km
Outwoods7.84 Km
Packington7.91 Km