Eglwyswen Map, Satellite view of Eglwyswen, Dyfed, Wales

Eglwyswen is located in Dyfed County, Pembrokeshire / Sir Benfro, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Eglwyswen

Latitude of city of Eglwyswen is 51.99451 and longitude of city of Eglwyswen is -4.69439. Eglwyswen has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Dyfed.
The County of Eglwyswen is Dyfed.

Postcode / zip code of Eglwyswen

SA41 3

Administrative division of Eglwyswen

County :Dyfed

GPS coordinates of Eglwyswen

Latitude : 51.99451
Longitude : -4.69439

Online Map of Eglwyswen - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Eglwyswen?

List of Railway Stations near to Eglwyswen
The nearest railway stations to Eglwyswen are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Eglwyswen
Clunderwen Station17.31 Km
Fishguard Harbour Station20.03 Km
Whitland Station20.38 Km
Clarbeston Road Station20.51 Km
Fishguard and Goodwick Station20.60 Km
Narberth Station21.81 Km
Haverfordwest Station28.07 Km
Kilgetty Station29.21 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Eglwyswen?

List of Stops near to Eglwyswen
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Eglwyswen are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Eglwyswen
St Christiolus` Church Bus Stop2.39 Km
St Christiolus` Church Bus Stop2.40 Km
Crosswell Turn Bus Stop2.44 Km
Crosswell Turn Bus Stop2.47 Km
Erw-wen Bus Stop3.88 Km
Erw-wen Bus Stop3.89 Km
School Bus Stop3.95 Km
School Bus Stop3.97 Km
Crymych Arms Hotel Bus Stop3.98 Km
Crymych Arms Hotel Bus Stop3.99 Km

Cities or Towns near Eglwyswen

List of places near to

Pontyglasier0.97 Km
Llanfair-Nant-Gwyn1.87 Km
Eglwyswrw2.30 Km
Crosswell / Ffynnongroes2.65 Km
Blaenffos3.88 Km
Crymych3.98 Km
Caermeini4.86 Km
Brynberian4.87 Km
Llantood5.63 Km
Boncath5.70 Km
Felindre Farchog5.72 Km
Mynachlog-ddu5.82 Km
Pentre Galar6.06 Km
Glanrhyd6.07 Km
Bridell6.30 Km
Rhosygilwen6.80 Km
Hermon7.05 Km
Tafarn-y-bwlch7.17 Km
Pen-y-bryn7.24 Km
Monington7.35 Km
Glogue7.55 Km
Cilgwyn7.58 Km
Cilwendeg7.68 Km
Nevern / Nanhyfer7.69 Km
Glanpwllafon7.86 Km
Cilgerran7.95 Km
Llwyncelyn8.04 Km
Iet-y-bwlch8.04 Km
Cnwcau8.13 Km
Llwyn-yr-hwrdd8.29 Km
Cwm Plysgog8.40 Km
Tegryn8.42 Km
Glandwr8.47 Km
Pontrhydyceirt8.50 Km
Hafod Grove8.57 Km
Newchapel / Capel Newydd8.75 Km
Pentrisil8.78 Km
Bwlchygroes8.87 Km
Rhosfach8.91 Km
Llanfyrnach8.93 Km
Moylgrove / Trewyddel8.97 Km
Carreg-wen9.12 Km
Hebron9.13 Km
Gethsemane9.44 Km
Star9.47 Km
Llangolman9.61 Km
Bridgend9.63 Km
St Dogmaels / Llandudoch9.76 Km
Newport / Trefdraeth9.77 Km
Noyadd Wilym9.78 Km