Eastbury Map, Satellite view of Eastbury, Hertfordshire, England

Eastbury is located in Hertfordshire County, Three Rivers District, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Eastbury

Latitude of city of Eastbury is 51.62126 and longitude of city of Eastbury is -0.41781. Eastbury has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Hertfordshire.
The County of Eastbury is Hertfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Eastbury

HA6 3

Administrative division of Eastbury

County :Hertfordshire

GPS coordinates of Eastbury

Latitude : 51.62126
Longitude : -0.41781

Online Map of Eastbury - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Eastbury in the United Kingdom

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Eastbury weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Eastbury?

List of Railway Stations near to Eastbury
The nearest railway stations to Eastbury are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Eastbury
Carpenders Park Station2.34 Km
Bushey Station3.53 Km
Hatch End Station3.64 Km
Watford High Street Station3.93 Km
Rickmansworth Station4.37 Km
Headstone Lane Station4.67 Km
Watford Junction Station4.92 Km
West Ruislip Station5.89 Km
Watford North Station6.35 Km
Harrow and Wealdstone Station6.60 Km

Airports Near to Eastbury

Elstree Airfield , UK (7.42 Km)

RAF Northolt , UK (7.59 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Eastbury?

List of Stops near to Eastbury
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Eastbury are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Eastbury
Ross Way Bus Stop (adj)190 m
Ross Way Bus Stop (opp)215 m
Eastbury Road Bus Stop (adj)310 m
Eastbury Road Bus Stop (opp)312 m
Woodfield Avenue Bus Stop (nr)347 m
Woodfield Avenue Bus Stop (opp)359 m
The Fairway Bus Stop (adj)373 m
The Fairway Bus Stop (opp)380 m
Davenham Avenue Bus Stop (adj)422 m
Davenham Avenue Bus Stop (opp)430 m

Cities or Towns near Eastbury

List of places near to

Northwood1.17 Km
Moor Park1.46 Km
South Oxhey1.51 Km
Batchworth Heath1.78 Km
Pinner Green2.31 Km
Northwood Hills2.33 Km
Holywell2.57 Km
Pinnerwood Park2.76 Km
Carpenders Park2.86 Km
The Rookery2.94 Km
Oxhey2.97 Km
Watford Heath3.04 Km
West Watford3.42 Km
Croxley Green3.57 Km
Batchworth3.68 Km
Ruislip Common3.70 Km
Hatch End3.83 Km
Pinner3.92 Km
Rickmansworth4.05 Km
Watford4.06 Km
Eastcote Village4.16 Km
Harefield Grove4.25 Km
Bushey4.49 Km
Eastcote4.50 Km
Hill End4.73 Km
Harefield4.80 Km
Ruislip4.97 Km
Headstone4.99 Km
Moneyhill5.09 Km
Harrow Weald5.36 Km
Newyears Green5.39 Km
Bushey Heath5.51 Km
South Harefield5.57 Km
West Ruislip5.65 Km
Loudwater5.66 Km
North Harrow5.69 Km
Ruislip Manor5.72 Km
Mill End5.72 Km
North Watford6.03 Km
Rayners Lane6.03 Km
Ruislip Gardens6.07 Km
Caldecote Hill6.16 Km
Maple Cross6.32 Km
Wealdstone6.36 Km
Chandler's Cross6.38 Km
West Hyde6.50 Km
Ickenham6.59 Km
Patchetts Green6.65 Km
West Harrow6.79 Km
Heronsgate7.11 Km