Dunnsheath Map, Satellite view of Dunnsheath, Shropshire, England

Dunnsheath is located in Shropshire County, Shropshire, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Dunnsheath

Latitude of city of Dunnsheath is 52.75250 and longitude of city of Dunnsheath is -2.77936. Dunnsheath has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Shropshire.
The County of Dunnsheath is Shropshire.

Postcode / zip code of Dunnsheath

SY4 3

Administrative division of Dunnsheath

County :Shropshire

GPS coordinates of Dunnsheath

Latitude : 52.75250
Longitude : -2.77936

Online Map of Dunnsheath - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Dunnsheath in the United Kingdom

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Dunnsheath weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Dunnsheath?

List of Railway Stations near to Dunnsheath
The nearest railway stations to Dunnsheath are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Dunnsheath
Shrewsbury Station4.93 Km
Yorton Station6.91 Km
Wem Station12.27 Km
Prees Station17.40 Km
Wellington Station18.55 Km
Oakengates Station23.12 Km
Gobowen Station23.37 Km
Church Stretton Station23.97 Km
Telford Central Station24.14 Km
Whitchurch (Salop) Station25.04 Km

Airports Near to Dunnsheath

RAF Shawbury , UK (9.05 Km)

Sleap Airport , UK (9.07 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Dunnsheath?

List of Stops near to Dunnsheath
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Dunnsheath are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Dunnsheath
Church Bus Stop (opp)986 m
Church Bus Stop (adj)999 m
Industrial Estate Bus Stop (adj)1.21 Km
Industrial Estate Bus Stop (opp)1.22 Km
Crossgreen Bus Stop (adj)1.28 Km
Crossgreen Bus Stop (opp)1.28 Km
Rosehill War Memorial Bus Stop (opp)1.80 Km
Rosehill War Memorial Bus Stop (adj)1.84 Km
School Bus Stop (adj)1.87 Km
School Bus Stop (opp)1.90 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Dunnsheath
Cities or Towns near Dunnsheath

List of places near to

Leaton Knolls0.71 Km
Crossgreen1.21 Km
Leaton1.58 Km
Leaton Heath2.23 Km
Bomere Heath2.27 Km
Broadoak2.30 Km
Albrighton2.36 Km
Preston Gubbals2.67 Km
Fitz2.84 Km
Old Woods3.38 Km
Merrington3.40 Km
Walford Heath3.59 Km
Forton Heath3.59 Km
Mount Pleasant3.76 Km
Bicton3.78 Km
Grafton3.94 Km
Mytton3.99 Km
Ditherington4.07 Km
Battlefield4.07 Km
Harlescott4.09 Km
Gravelhill4.12 Km
Shelton4.13 Km
Greenfields4.18 Km
Heathgates4.20 Km
Coton Hill4.22 Km
Upper Battlefield4.27 Km
Spring Gardens4.46 Km
Calcott4.47 Km
Yeaton4.53 Km
Forton4.76 Km
Frankwell4.76 Km
Montford Bridge4.83 Km
Haston4.84 Km
Sundorne4.88 Km
Broomfields4.89 Km
Castle Fields4.90 Km
Spring Gdns4.99 Km
Walford5.00 Km
Webscott5.00 Km
Copthorne5.01 Km
Harmer Hill5.01 Km
Underdale5.03 Km
Bicton Heath5.06 Km
Shrewsbury5.21 Km
Preston Montford5.24 Km
Porthill5.27 Km
Hadnall5.28 Km
Bowbrook5.38 Km
Monkmoor5.42 Km
Cherry Orchard5.52 Km