Cwmnantyrodyn Map, Satellite view of Cwmnantyrodyn, Gwent, Wales

Cwmnantyrodyn is located in Gwent County, Caerphilly / Caerffili, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cwmnantyrodyn

Latitude of city of Cwmnantyrodyn is 51.65236 and longitude of city of Cwmnantyrodyn is -3.17945. Cwmnantyrodyn has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Gwent.
The County of Cwmnantyrodyn is Gwent.

Postcode / zip code of Cwmnantyrodyn

NP12 2

Administrative division of Cwmnantyrodyn

County :Gwent

GPS coordinates of Cwmnantyrodyn

Latitude : 51.65236
Longitude : -3.17945

Online Map of Cwmnantyrodyn - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Cwmnantyrodyn in the United Kingdom

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Cwmnantyrodyn weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cwmnantyrodyn?

List of Railway Stations near to Cwmnantyrodyn
The nearest railway stations to Cwmnantyrodyn are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cwmnantyrodyn
Newbridge Station2.93 Km
Hengoed Station3.13 Km
Pengam Station4.03 Km
Ystrad Mynach Station4.45 Km
Gilfach Fargoed Station4.81 Km
Crosskeys Station5.07 Km
Bargoed Station5.63 Km
Llanhilleth Station6.14 Km
Llanbradach Station6.60 Km
Brithdir Station7.28 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cwmnantyrodyn?

List of Stops near to Cwmnantyrodyn
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cwmnantyrodyn are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cwmnantyrodyn
Alder Rise Bus Stop (after)43 m
Highland Crescent Bus Stop (after)96 m
Mill Road Bus Stop (o/s 2)216 m
Orchard Court Bus Stop (after)315 m
Springfield Villas Bus Stop (adj)348 m
Orchard Court Bus Stop (after)366 m
The Plough Bus Stop (before)519 m
The Ivor Arms Bus Stop (opp)522 m
The Ivor Arms Bus Stop (before)528 m
The Plough Bus Stop (after)529 m

Historic Places to Visit near Cwmnantyrodyn

List of Historic places near to Cwmnantyrodyn

NameDistances from Cwmnantyrodyn
Gelligaer Military Station5.30 Km
Llancaiach Fawr Manor and Living History Museum7.18 Km
Castell Machen7.99 Km
Caerphilly Roman Fort8.84 Km
Caerphilly Castle8.87 Km
Torfaen Museum11.22 Km
Carn Bugail11.66 Km
Llantarnam Abbey12.89 Km
Castell Coch13.96 Km
Newport Castle14.52 Km
Tredegar House14.68 Km
Bellevue Park, Newport14.72 Km
Cities or Towns near Cwmnantyrodyn

List of places near to

Pontllanfraith0.56 Km
Gelligroes1.00 Km
Penllwyn1.08 Km
Pentwyn-mawr1.22 Km
Mynyddislwyn1.41 Km
Ton-y-pistyll1.42 Km
Woodfieldside1.56 Km
Wyllie1.68 Km
Bryn1.74 Km
Gelli-hâf1.99 Km
Blackwood / Y Coed Duon2.05 Km
Cwm-dows2.24 Km
Penmaen2.30 Km
Newbridge / Trecceln2.59 Km
West End2.85 Km
Celynon2.87 Km
Ynysddu2.89 Km
Maesycwmmer3.03 Km
Cefn Fforest3.08 Km
Old Treowen3.13 Km
Abercarn3.13 Km
Fleur-de-lis3.14 Km
Cwm Gelli3.16 Km
Pentref-y-groes3.16 Km
Oakdale3.17 Km
Pengam3.28 Km
High Meadow3.30 Km
Croespenmaen / Croes-Pen-Maen3.33 Km
Rock3.39 Km
Gwyddon3.40 Km
Llanfach3.40 Km
Persondy3.41 Km
Kendon3.55 Km
Twyn Shôn-Ifan3.60 Km
Hengoed3.64 Km
Tir-y-berth3.64 Km
Cwmcarn3.65 Km
Pantside3.66 Km
Cwmfelinfach3.67 Km
Treowen3.79 Km
Cefn Hengoed3.81 Km
Rhiw3.83 Km
Millbrook3.86 Km
Crumlin / Crymlyn3.89 Km
Gwrhay3.92 Km
Glan-y-nant3.97 Km
Chapel of Ease3.99 Km
Ystrad Mynach4.11 Km
Pontywaun4.27 Km
Cwm-corrwg4.36 Km