Cwm Nant-gam Map, Satellite view of Cwm Nant-gam, Gwent, Wales

Cwm Nant-gam is located in Gwent County, Monmouthshire / Sir Fynwy, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cwm Nant-gam

Latitude of city of Cwm Nant-gam is 51.80313 and longitude of city of Cwm Nant-gam is -3.14886. Cwm Nant-gam has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Gwent.
The County of Cwm Nant-gam is Gwent.

Postcode / zip code of Cwm Nant-gam

NP7 0

Administrative division of Cwm Nant-gam

County :Gwent

GPS coordinates of Cwm Nant-gam

Latitude : 51.80313
Longitude : -3.14886

Online Map of Cwm Nant-gam - road map, satellite view and street view

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Cwm Nant-gam weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cwm Nant-gam?

List of Railway Stations near to Cwm Nant-gam
The nearest railway stations to Cwm Nant-gam are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cwm Nant-gam
Ebbw Vale Town Station4.72 Km
Ebbw Vale Parkway Station6.06 Km
Abergavenny Station9.69 Km
Rhymney Station10.84 Km
Pontlottyn Station10.94 Km
Tir-Phil Station11.34 Km
Llanhilleth Station11.47 Km
Brithdir Station11.69 Km
Bargoed Station13.52 Km
Gilfach Fargoed Station14.26 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cwm Nant-gam?

List of Stops near to Cwm Nant-gam
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cwm Nant-gam are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cwm Nant-gam
Blaencwm Cottage Bus Stop (nr)122 m
Pont Harri Isaac Bus Stop (nr)408 m
Pont Harri Isaac Bus Stop (nr)442 m
Drum and Monkey HoV Road Bus Stop (nr)677 m
Drum & Monkey Bus Stop (nr)678 m
Drum & Monkey Bus Stop (nr)755 m
Gellifelen Post Box Bus Stop (adj)821 m
Drum and Monkey HoV Road Bus Stop (nr)833 m
Darrenfelen Primary School Bus Stop (adj)1.12 Km
Comprehensive School Bus Stop (nr)1.31 Km

Cities or Towns near Cwm Nant-gam

List of places near to

Gellifelen0.83 Km
Llam-march1.16 Km
Daren-felen1.26 Km
Waunllapria1.61 Km
Llanelly Hill1.77 Km
Brynmawr / Bryn-Mawr1.77 Km
Cheltenham1.99 Km
Clydach2.17 Km
Twyn Cynhordy2.19 Km
Garn Fach2.50 Km
Winchestown2.60 Km
Nantyglo2.65 Km
Clydach Terrace2.69 Km
Cwm Siôn Mathew2.77 Km
Coedcae2.90 Km
Coalbrookvale3.06 Km
Maesygwartha3.25 Km
Pant-y-rhiw3.50 Km
Beaufort Hill3.51 Km
Llanelly / Llanelli3.52 Km
Garn-yr-erw3.64 Km
Cwmcelyn / Cwm-celyn3.69 Km
Beaufort3.70 Km
Tyla3.82 Km
Twyn Wenallt3.86 Km
Darren4.08 Km
Garnlydan4.15 Km
Blaina / Y Blaenau4.18 Km
Pen-y-bont4.23 Km
Newchurch4.31 Km
Glyn Etwy4.34 Km
Glyncoed4.42 Km
Newtown4.45 Km
Gilwern4.56 Km
Ebbw Vale / Glyn Ebwy4.57 Km
Pont-y-Gôf4.59 Km
Carmeltown4.61 Km
Twyn-Allws4.78 Km
Upper Common4.83 Km
Willowtown5.02 Km
Lower Common5.03 Km
Ty Llwyn5.07 Km
Glangrwyney5.08 Km
Forge Side5.28 Km
Llangattock / Llangatwg5.32 Km
Rifle Green5.36 Km
Hilltop5.41 Km
Blaenavon5.41 Km
Briery Hill5.42 Km
Rassau5.59 Km