Cutteslowe Map, Satellite view of Cutteslowe, Oxfordshire, England

Cutteslowe is located in Oxfordshire County, Oxford District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cutteslowe

Latitude of city of Cutteslowe is 51.79008 and longitude of city of Cutteslowe is -1.26455. Cutteslowe has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Oxfordshire.
The County of Cutteslowe is Oxfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Cutteslowe

OX2 8

Administrative division of Cutteslowe

County :Oxfordshire

GPS coordinates of Cutteslowe

Latitude : 51.79008
Longitude : -1.26455

Online Map of Cutteslowe - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Cutteslowe weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cutteslowe?

List of Railway Stations near to Cutteslowe
The nearest railway stations to Cutteslowe are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cutteslowe
Oxford Parkway Station1.70 Km
Oxford Station4.09 Km
Islip Station4.36 Km
Hanborough Station8.45 Km
Combe Station10.08 Km
Tackley Station10.39 Km
Radley Station11.67 Km
Bicester Village Station13.94 Km
Heyford Station14.55 Km
Bicester North Station14.85 Km

Airports Near to Cutteslowe

Oxford (Kidlington) Airport , UK (6.45 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cutteslowe?

List of Stops near to Cutteslowe
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cutteslowe are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cutteslowe
Kendal Crescent Shops Bus Stop (opp)9 m
Holt Weer Close Bus Stop (adj)165 m
Park Close Bus Stop (adj)186 m
Marriott Close Bus Stop (opp)266 m
Buckler Road Bus Stop (opp)370 m
Harefields Bus Stop (adj)443 m
Harbord Road Bus Stop (E-bound)464 m
Harefields Bus Stop (opp)469 m
Southdale Road Bus Stop (opp)484 m
Five Mile Drive Bus Stop (opp)487 m

Historic Places to Visit near Cutteslowe

List of Historic places near to Cutteslowe

NameDistances from Cutteslowe
Godstow Abbey2.71 Km
Oxford, St Giles Church3.43 Km
Oxford University Museum of Natural History3.49 Km
Pitt Rivers Museum3.49 Km
Keble College3.49 Km
St Johns College, Oxford3.75 Km
Wadham College, Oxford3.76 Km
Ashmolean Museum3.83 Km
Balliol College3.89 Km
Martyrs Memorial3.91 Km
Trinity College, Oxford3.94 Km
Oxford, St Mary Magdalen Church3.96 Km
Worcester College, Oxford3.98 Km
Clarendon Building, Oxford4.00 Km
New College4.00 Km
Oxford, St Cross Church4.01 Km
Museum of the History of Science4.02 Km
Hertford College4.06 Km
Bodleian Library4.06 Km
Lincoln College, Oxford4.07 Km
Oxford, Exeter College4.07 Km
Oxford, St Michael at the North Gate Church4.08 Km
Jesus College, Oxford4.09 Km
All Souls College4.10 Km
Radcliffe Camera4.13 Km
The Queens College4.18 Km
St Edmund Hall, Oxford4.21 Km
Oxford, University Church of St. Mary the Virgin4.22 Km
Oxford Painted Room4.23 Km
University College, Oxford4.28 Km
Museum of Oxford4.30 Km
Oxford Castle4.30 Km
Carfax Tower4.33 Km
Oxford, Corpus Christi College4.34 Km
Oriel College, Oxford4.34 Km
Modern Art Oxford4.37 Km
Merton College, Oxford4.39 Km
Oxford, St Ebbes Church4.42 Km
Magdalen College, Oxford4.42 Km
Oxford Botanic Garden4.47 Km
Christ Church Picture Gallery4.49 Km
Christ Church College, Oxford4.49 Km
Bate Collection of Musical Instruments4.63 Km
North Hinksey Conduit House5.33 Km
Iffley, St Marys Church7.05 Km
Bladon Church & Churchills Grave7.37 Km
Blenheim Palace8.74 Km
Oxfordshire Museum9.04 Km
Tackley, St Nicholas Church10.30 Km
Combe Longa, St Laurence Church10.92 Km
Cities or Towns near Cutteslowe

List of places near to

Sunnymead0.94 Km
Summertown1.73 Km
Wolvercote1.90 Km
Upper Wolvercote2.26 Km
Lower Wolvercote2.30 Km
Marston2.42 Km
Garden City2.48 Km
Gosford2.62 Km
Park Town2.63 Km
Walton Manor3.06 Km
Woodeaton3.06 Km
Norham Manor3.15 Km
Elsfield3.17 Km
Binsey3.21 Km
Jericho3.52 Km
New Marston3.53 Km
Yarnton3.65 Km
Wytham3.67 Km
Kidlington3.88 Km
Islip4.06 Km
Oxford4.26 Km
New Osney4.41 Km
New Botley4.46 Km
Osney4.47 Km
Headington4.49 Km
Headington Hill4.64 Km
Worton4.66 Km
Noke4.66 Km
Botley5.04 Km
Hampton Poyle5.12 Km
North Hinksey Village5.12 Km
Begbroke5.19 Km
Grandpont5.22 Km
Cassington5.39 Km
Oxford Spires Park5.48 Km
Dean Court5.50 Km
New Headington5.55 Km
Sandhills5.62 Km
Barton5.63 Km
Headington Quarry5.76 Km
Harcourt Hill5.85 Km
Thrupp6.02 Km
Cumnor Hill6.11 Km
Risinghurst6.11 Km
Beckley6.18 Km
New Hinksey6.29 Km
Oddington6.31 Km
Shotover Hill6.36 Km
Hampton Gay6.51 Km
Heathfield Village6.53 Km