Cubbington Map, Satellite view of Cubbington, Warwickshire, England

Cubbington is located in Warwickshire County, Warwick District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cubbington

Latitude of city of Cubbington is 52.31078 and longitude of city of Cubbington is -1.50029. Cubbington has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Warwickshire.
The County of Cubbington is Warwickshire.

Postcode / zip code of Cubbington

CV32 7

Administrative division of Cubbington

County :Warwickshire

GPS coordinates of Cubbington

Latitude : 52.31078
Longitude : -1.50029

Online Map of Cubbington - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Cubbington in the United Kingdom

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Cubbington weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cubbington?

List of Railway Stations near to Cubbington
The nearest railway stations to Cubbington are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cubbington
Leamington Spa Station3.81 Km
Warwick Station6.17 Km
Warwick Parkway Station8.08 Km
Coventry Station10.05 Km
Canley Station10.35 Km
Tile Hill Station11.44 Km
Hatton Station11.87 Km
Berkswell Station13.54 Km
Claverdon Station13.86 Km
Coventry Arena Station15.23 Km

Airports Near to Cubbington

Coventry Airport , UK (6.70 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cubbington?

List of Stops near to Cubbington
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cubbington are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cubbington
Queens Head Bus Stop (Opp)65 m
Church Bus Stop (Nr)212 m
Windmill Hill Bus Stop (Adj)242 m
Broadway Bus Stop (Opp)381 m
Rugby Road Bus Stop (Adj)447 m
Rugby Road Bus Stop (Adj)451 m
Stonehouse Close Bus Stop (Opp)476 m
Stonehouse Close Bus Stop (Opp)482 m
Rugby Road Bus Stop (Adj)629 m
West View Road Bus Stop (Adj)695 m

Cities or Towns near Cubbington

List of places near to

Lillington1.56 Km
Weston under Wetherley2.32 Km
Campion Hills2.37 Km
Blackdown2.65 Km
Offchurch2.91 Km
Hunningham3.16 Km
Royal Leamington Spa3.20 Km
Stareton3.42 Km
Ashow3.75 Km
Milverton3.84 Km
Wappenbury3.91 Km
Radford Semele3.94 Km
Hill Wootton3.98 Km
Sydenham3.99 Km
Old Milverton4.17 Km
Hunningham Hill4.38 Km
Stoneleigh4.69 Km
Bubbenhall4.74 Km
Myton4.83 Km
Whitnash5.04 Km
Emscote5.18 Km
Eathorpe5.26 Km
Leek Wootton5.27 Km
Windy Arbour5.50 Km
Park Hill5.73 Km
Cliff Hill5.88 Km
Guy's Cliffe5.90 Km
Woodloes Park5.90 Km
Heathcote5.96 Km
Whitemoor5.99 Km
St Johns6.12 Km
Borrowell6.28 Km
Packmores6.31 Km
Tachbrook Mallory6.31 Km
Marton Moor6.32 Km
Kenilworth6.42 Km
Mill End6.45 Km
Abbey End6.59 Km
Princethorpe6.59 Km
Bridge End6.62 Km
Crackley6.63 Km
Baginton6.70 Km
Warwick6.77 Km
Ladyes Hills6.82 Km
The Cape6.86 Km
Marton6.88 Km
Abbey Fields6.89 Km
Finham7.08 Km
Ufton7.11 Km
Gibbet Hill7.38 Km