Crossley Hall Map, Satellite view of Crossley Hall, West Yorkshire, England

Crossley Hall is located in West Yorkshire County, Bradford District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Crossley Hall

Latitude of city of Crossley Hall is 53.79543 and longitude of city of Crossley Hall is -1.80425. Crossley Hall has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Crossley Hall is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Crossley Hall

BD8 0

Administrative division of Crossley Hall

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Crossley Hall

Latitude : 53.79543
Longitude : -1.80425

Online Map of Crossley Hall - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Crossley Hall weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Crossley Hall?

List of Railway Stations near to Crossley Hall
The nearest railway stations to Crossley Hall are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Crossley Hall
Bradford Forster Square Station3.37 Km
Frizinghall Station3.61 Km
Bradford Interchange Station3.62 Km
Shipley Station4.65 Km
Saltaire Station4.87 Km
Low Moor Station6.06 Km
Bingley Station6.30 Km
Baildon Station6.94 Km
Crossflatts Station7.50 Km
New Pudsey Station8.17 Km

Airports Near to Crossley Hall

Leeds Bradford Airport , UK (12.26 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Crossley Hall?

List of Stops near to Crossley Hall
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Crossley Hall are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Crossley Hall
Thornton Rd Jesse Street Bus Stop (opp)84 m
Thornton Rd Jesse Street Bus Stop (after)113 m
Thornton Rd Leaventhorpe Lane Bus Stop (opp)157 m
Thornton Rd Munby Street Bus Stop270 m
Thornton Rd Leaventhorpe Lane Bus Stop298 m
Thornton Rd Vine Terrace West Bus Stop384 m
Thornton Rd Rhodesway Bus Stop (after)402 m
Rhodesway Abbeydale Drive Bus Stop465 m
Rhodesway Raven Terrace Lane Bus Stop470 m
Rhodesway Raven Terrace Lane Bus Stop477 m

Historic Places to Visit near Crossley Hall

List of Historic places near to Crossley Hall

NameDistances from Crossley Hall
Colour Experience2.99 Km
National Media Museum3.21 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church8.14 Km
East Riddlesden Hall10.18 Km
Bronte Parsonage Museum10.75 Km
Haworth, St Michaels Church10.75 Km
Copley, St Stephens Church11.98 Km
Bagshaw Museum12.88 Km
Top Withens14.97 Km
Cities or Towns near Crossley Hall

List of places near to

Fairweather Green0.33 Km
Lower Grange0.46 Km
Green Side0.81 Km
Four Lane Ends0.83 Km
Birks0.84 Km
Leaventhorpe1.10 Km
Allerton1.22 Km
Girlington1.29 Km
Scholemoor1.38 Km
Lidget Green1.39 Km
Brown Royd1.46 Km
Daisy Hill1.48 Km
Paradise Green1.49 Km
Town End1.53 Km
Clayton1.77 Km
Hill Top1.89 Km
Lane End1.94 Km
Upper Green2.07 Km
Heaton2.18 Km
Great Horton2.21 Km
Lister Hills2.24 Km
Horton Bank Bottom2.31 Km
Horton Bank2.35 Km
Chellow Heights2.36 Km
Low Green2.37 Km
Shearbridge2.41 Km
Manningham2.50 Km
Stony Lane2.54 Km
Horton Bank Top2.56 Km
Pickles Hill2.58 Km
Dirk Hill2.66 Km
Clayton Heights2.73 Km
Haycliffe Hill2.74 Km
Beldon Hill2.80 Km
Little Horton2.92 Km
Sandy Lane3.01 Km
Little Horton Green3.02 Km
Old Dolphin3.14 Km
Slack Side3.16 Km
Chapel Green3.18 Km
Thornton3.18 Km
Brownroyd Hill3.20 Km
Heaton Grove3.23 Km
Holme3.28 Km
Heaton Royds3.28 Km
Heaton Shay3.28 Km
Bradford3.30 Km
Shay Gate3.35 Km
Marshfields3.47 Km
Nab Wood3.47 Km