Crooke Map, Satellite view of Crooke, Greater Manchester, England

Crooke is located in Greater Manchester County, Wigan District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Crooke

Latitude of city of Crooke is 53.56249 and longitude of city of Crooke is -2.67544. Crooke has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater Manchester.
The County of Crooke is Greater Manchester.

Postcode / zip code of Crooke

WN6 8

Administrative division of Crooke

County :Greater Manchester

GPS coordinates of Crooke

Latitude : 53.56249
Longitude : -2.67544

Online Map of Crooke - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Crooke in the United Kingdom

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Crooke weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Crooke?

List of Railway Stations near to Crooke
The nearest railway stations to Crooke are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Crooke
Gathurst Station1.30 Km
Appley Bridge Station3.41 Km
Wigan Wallgate Station3.41 Km
Wigan North Western Station3.48 Km
Pemberton Station3.58 Km
Orrell Station4.20 Km
Ince Station4.97 Km
Upholland Station5.78 Km
Hindley Station6.98 Km
Parbold Station7.03 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Crooke?

List of Stops near to Crooke
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Crooke are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Crooke
Princess Rd Bus Stop (nr)4 m
Princess Rd Bus Stop (adj)27 m
Royal Oak Bus Stop (o/s)210 m
Royal Oak Bus Stop (opp)239 m
Lawns Wood Bus Stop (opp)254 m
Lawns Wood Bus Stop (o/s)355 m
Woodrush Road Bus Stop (opp)458 m
Woodrush Road Bus Stop (o/s)498 m
Giants Hall Rd Bus Stop (nr)673 m
St Anne's Sch Bus Stop (opp)686 m

Historic Places to Visit near Crooke

List of Historic places near to Crooke

NameDistances from Crooke
Astley Hall Museum and Art Gallery10.99 Km
Rufford Hall12.37 Km
Cities or Towns near Crooke

List of places near to

Standish Lower Ground0.49 Km
Martland Mill0.93 Km
Gathurst1.36 Km
Beech Hill1.51 Km
Marsh Green1.57 Km
Shevington1.61 Km
Kitt Green2.04 Km
Springfield2.07 Km
Laithwaite2.09 Km
Worsley Hall2.16 Km
The Bell2.19 Km
Norley2.20 Km
Gidlow2.23 Km
Whitley2.69 Km
Standish2.77 Km
Swinley2.79 Km
Newtown2.89 Km
Spring Bank2.89 Km
Lamberhead Green2.90 Km
Bull Hey2.91 Km
Shevington Vale3.03 Km
Shevington Moor3.11 Km
Redwood3.14 Km
Orrell3.14 Km
Orrell Post3.17 Km
Marylebone3.18 Km
Pemberton3.20 Km
Walthew Green3.26 Km
Worthington3.43 Km
Wallgate3.44 Km
Wigan3.56 Km
Roby Mill3.58 Km
Water Hayes3.65 Km
Winstanleys3.70 Km
Bottling Wood3.74 Km
Poolstock3.86 Km
Appley Bridge3.86 Km
Longshoot3.88 Km
Red Rock3.91 Km
Highfield3.95 Km
Holland Lees3.97 Km
Worsley Mesnes4.00 Km
Tontine4.08 Km
Whelley4.10 Km
Scholes4.11 Km
Up Holland4.13 Km
Goose Green4.14 Km
Winstanley4.41 Km
Hunger Hill4.41 Km
Hawkley4.48 Km