Cranbrook Map, Satellite view of Cranbrook, Greater London, England

Cranbrook is located in Greater London County, Redbridge, London, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cranbrook

Latitude of city of Cranbrook is 51.56684 and longitude of city of Cranbrook is 0.06153. Cranbrook has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater London.
The County of Cranbrook is Greater London.

Postcode / zip code of Cranbrook

IG1 3

Administrative division of Cranbrook

County :Greater London

GPS coordinates of Cranbrook

Latitude : 51.56684
Longitude : 0.06153

Online Map of Cranbrook - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Cranbrook in the United Kingdom

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Cranbrook weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cranbrook?

List of Railway Stations near to Cranbrook
The nearest railway stations to Cranbrook are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cranbrook
Ilford Station1.03 Km
Manor Park Station1.91 Km
Woodgrange Park Station2.28 Km
Seven Kings Station2.48 Km
Wanstead Park Station2.97 Km
Forest Gate Station3.22 Km
Barking Station3.32 Km
Goodmayes Station3.41 Km
Leytonstone High Road Station3.69 Km
Maryland Station4.49 Km

Airports Near to Cranbrook

London City Airport , UK (6.86 Km)

Stapleford Aerodrome , UK (11.54 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cranbrook?

List of Stops near to Cranbrook
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cranbrook are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cranbrook
De Vere Gardens Bus Stop (Stop VX)52 m
De Vere Gardens Bus Stop (Stop VQ)106 m
Seymour Gardens Bus Stop (Stop VV)135 m
Seymour Gardens Bus Stop (Stop VS)166 m
Valentines Park Bus Stop (Stop VP)273 m
Cranbrook Road (IG1) Bus Stop (Stop VY)281 m
Valentines Park Bus Stop (Stop VB)298 m
Bethell Avenue Bus Stop (Stop VA)341 m
The Drive Cranbrook Bus Stop (->S)352 m
Bethell Avenue Bus Stop (Stop VR)412 m

Cities or Towns near Cranbrook

List of places near to

Gants Hill1.06 Km
Ilford1.32 Km
Redbridge1.45 Km
Manor Park1.59 Km
Little Ilford2.01 Km
Newbury Park2.44 Km
Seven Kings2.50 Km
Wanstead Flats2.55 Km
Loxford2.60 Km
Aldersbrook2.62 Km
Clayhall2.77 Km
Wanstead2.82 Km
Barkingside2.85 Km
Plashet3.12 Km
Aldborough Hatch3.28 Km
Snaresbrook3.28 Km
Forest Gate3.34 Km
Goodmayes3.38 Km
Fullwell Cross3.39 Km
Barking3.41 Km
Cann Hall3.56 Km
Upton Park3.60 Km
Leytonstone3.71 Km
Wallend3.73 Km
East Ham3.79 Km
South Woodford3.87 Km
Upton3.98 Km
Repton Park4.09 Km
Fairlop4.25 Km
Woodford Bridge4.26 Km
Little Heath4.38 Km
Woodford Green4.45 Km
Walthamstow Village4.69 Km
Upper Walthamstow4.86 Km
Stratford New Town4.91 Km
Woodford4.94 Km
Leyton4.99 Km
Maryland5.02 Km
West Ham5.03 Km
Stratford5.14 Km
Plaistow5.26 Km
Grange Hill5.32 Km
Walthamstow5.36 Km
Becontree5.41 Km
Chadwell Heath5.47 Km
Temple Mills5.48 Km
Hainault5.54 Km
Castle Green5.62 Km
Walthamstow Forest5.62 Km
Stratford Marsh5.64 Km