Clennell Map, Satellite view of Clennell, Northumberland, England

Clennell is located in Northumberland County, Northumberland, North East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Clennell

Latitude of city of Clennell is 55.36145 and longitude of city of Clennell is -2.11986. Clennell has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Northumberland.
The County of Clennell is Northumberland.

Postcode / zip code of Clennell

NE65 7

Administrative division of Clennell

County :Northumberland

GPS coordinates of Clennell

Latitude : 55.36145
Longitude : -2.11986

Online Map of Clennell - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Clennell in the United Kingdom

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Clennell weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Clennell?

List of Stops near to Clennell
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Clennell are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Clennell
Phone box Bus Stop (nb)1.26 Km
Phone box Bus Stop (sb)1.26 Km
Low Alwinton Bridge Bus Stop (sb)1.74 Km
Low Alwinton Bridge Bus Stop (nb)1.76 Km
First School Bus Stop (o/s)2.99 Km
First School Bus Stop (opp)3.00 Km
Biddlestone Edge Bus Stop (at)3.04 Km
Woodhall Farm Bus Stop (eastbound)4.62 Km
Woodhall Farm Bus Stop (westbound)4.63 Km
centre Bus Stop (eb)4.85 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Clennell

List of Historic places near to Clennell

NameDistances from Clennell
Holystone Ladys Well5.36 Km
Linhope Spout10.16 Km
Cartington Castle11.89 Km
Ingram, St Michael & All Angels Church12.89 Km
Elsdon Castle14.13 Km
Elsdon Tower14.13 Km
Elsdon, St Cuthberts Church14.25 Km
Percy Cross14.64 Km
Otterburn, St Johns Church14.88 Km
Cities or Towns near Clennell

List of places near to

Alwinton1.23 Km
Low Alwinton2.00 Km
Harbottle3.02 Km
Linbriggs3.15 Km
Biddlestone3.63 Km
Shillmoor3.99 Km
Sharperton4.84 Km
Holystone5.67 Km
Burradon5.83 Km
Netherton6.59 Km
Barrow Burn6.69 Km
Scrainwood6.77 Km
Alnham7.82 Km
Flotterton8.86 Km
Hepple9.03 Km
Linhope9.41 Km
Yetlington10.17 Km
Snitter10.77 Km
Cartington11.58 Km
Thropton11.65 Km
Otterburn Camp12.36 Km
Great Tosson12.42 Km
Newtown12.68 Km
Ingram12.68 Km
Callaly12.88 Km
Eslington Park12.96 Km
Horsley13.13 Km
Rochester13.16 Km
Elsdon14.33 Km
Rothbury14.46 Km
Whitton14.58 Km
Otterburn14.86 Km
Branton14.95 Km
Sourhope14.99 Km