Charltonbrook Map, Satellite view of Charltonbrook, South Yorkshire, England

Charltonbrook is located in South Yorkshire County, Sheffield District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Charltonbrook

Latitude of city of Charltonbrook is 53.46458 and longitude of city of Charltonbrook is -1.49089. Charltonbrook has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of South Yorkshire.
The County of Charltonbrook is South Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Charltonbrook

S35 2

Administrative division of Charltonbrook

County :South Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Charltonbrook

Latitude : 53.46458
Longitude : -1.49089

Online Map of Charltonbrook - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Charltonbrook in the United Kingdom

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Charltonbrook weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Charltonbrook?

List of Railway Stations near to Charltonbrook
The nearest railway stations to Charltonbrook are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Charltonbrook
Chapeltown Station1.65 Km
Elsecar Station5.66 Km
Meadowhall Station7.36 Km
Wombwell Station7.67 Km
Silkstone Common Station9.18 Km
Dodworth Station9.27 Km
Rotherham Central Station9.36 Km
Sheffield Station9.79 Km
Barnsley Station10.02 Km
Darnall Station10.30 Km

Airports Near to Charltonbrook

Sheffield City Heliport , UK (10.35 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Charltonbrook?

List of Stops near to Charltonbrook
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Charltonbrook are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Charltonbrook
Stanley Road Bus Stop (opp)4 m
Stanley Road Bus Stop (adj)27 m
Freeman Gardens Bus Stop (adj)253 m
Freeman Gardens Bus Stop (opp)276 m
Hall Wood Road Bus Stop (adj)336 m
Hollow Gate Bus Stop (adj)364 m
Hall Wood Road Bus Stop (opp)442 m
Blackburn Drive Bus Stop (nr)448 m
Blackburn Crescent Bus Stop (adj)448 m
Charlton Brook Crescent Bus Stop (opp)448 m

Historic Places to Visit near Charltonbrook

List of Historic places near to Charltonbrook

NameDistances from Charltonbrook
Wentworth, Holy Trinity Church4.71 Km
Wentworth Castle Gardens6.89 Km
Monk Bretton Priory10.67 Km
Beauchief Abbey14.60 Km
Cities or Towns near Charltonbrook

List of places near to

Burncross0.51 Km
High Green0.72 Km
Potter Hill0.91 Km
Mortomley1.08 Km
Barnes Hall1.12 Km
Lane End1.18 Km
Wood Seats1.20 Km
Chapeltown1.72 Km
Whitley1.99 Km
Warren2.06 Km
Howbrook2.06 Km
Cundy Hos2.57 Km
Grenoside2.60 Km
The Wheel2.67 Km
Bromley2.82 Km
Hood Hill2.93 Km
Upper Tankersley3.04 Km
Ecclesfield3.26 Km
Tankersley3.50 Km
Harley3.57 Km
Thorpe Hesley3.69 Km
Spittal Houses3.72 Km
Low Harley3.80 Km
Birley Edge3.83 Km
Wortley4.01 Km
Pilley4.03 Km
Hermit Hill4.19 Km
Hoyland Common4.19 Km
Parson Cross4.24 Km
Finkle Street4.34 Km
Thorpe Common4.39 Km
Wharncliffe Side4.45 Km
Barrow4.51 Km
Oughtibridge4.53 Km
Birley Carr4.62 Km
Grange Lane4.71 Km
Shiregreen4.77 Km
Birdwell4.88 Km
Wadsley Bridge4.97 Km
Milton5.05 Km
Brightholmlee5.10 Km
Keppel's Column5.14 Km
Onesacre5.15 Km
Southey Green5.18 Km
Scholes5.18 Km
Upper Hoyland5.23 Km
Wentworth5.26 Km
Sheffield Lane Top5.30 Km
Coldwell5.31 Km
Hoyland5.33 Km