Carswell Medieval House Location Map, GPS Coordinates of Carswell Medieval House, St Florence, Dyfed

Carswell Medieval House is located in St Florence, Dyfed, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Carswell Medieval House

Latitude of Carswell Medieval House is 51.67558 and longitude of Carswell Medieval House is -4.75217. The County of Carswell Medieval House is Dyfed.

Longitude and Latitude Coordinates of Carswell Medieval House

Latitude : 51.67558, Longitude : -4.75217

DMS Coordinates of Carswell Medieval House

The DMS coordinates of Carswell Medieval House are: 51°40'32.088" N 4°45'7.812" W

Local time: 16:28:19 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Where is Carswell Medieval House on Map?

The map below shows the location of Carswell Medieval House and road map, satellite view and street view near Carswell Medieval House.
Here you can see an interactive Open Street map which shows the exact location of Carswell Medieval House. To zoom in (+) or out (-) and see the surrounding area, use the buttons shown on the map. To see the roads, streets and surrounding objects near Carswell Medieval House, drag the map with your mouse or finger.
Exact coordinates of Carswell Medieval House: Latitude: 51.67558, Longitude: -4.75217

Historic Places to Visit near Carswell Medieval House (15 km)

List of Historic places near to Carswell Medieval House

NameDistances from Carswell Medieval House
Penally, St Nicholas & St Teilo Church2.71 Km
Tenby Castle3.30 Km
Tenby, St Marys Church3.52 Km
Tenby Medieval Town Walls3.53 Km
Tudor Merchants House3.76 Km
Tenby Museum & Art Gallery3.98 Km
Manorbier Castle4.64 Km
Manorbier, St James Church4.71 Km
Kings Quoit Cromlech5.37 Km
Carew, St Marys Church5.48 Km
Jeffreyston, St Jeffrey & St Oswald Church5.57 Km
Carew Cross5.80 Km
Caldey Island Priory6.13 Km
Cresselly House6.21 Km
Caldey Island, St Davids Church6.21 Km
Caldey Island, St Illtuds Church6.29 Km
Carew Castle6.48 Km
Lamphey Bishops Palace7.97 Km
Upton Castle Chapel8.52 Km
Upton Castle Gardens8.61 Km
Colby Woodland Garden9.01 Km
Amroth, St Elidyrs Church9.45 Km
Barnards Tower, Pembroke10.79 Km
Pembroke Castle 11.57 Km
Stackpole, St James and St Elidyr Church12.48 Km
Stackpole Court & Walled Gardens13.04 Km
Devils Quoit, Stackpole13.07 Km
St Petrox Church13.28 Km
Stackpole Estate13.42 Km
Narberth Castle13.45 Km
Llangwm, St Jeromes Church13.51 Km
Bosherston Lakes (Lily Ponds)14.35 Km
Bosherston, St Michael and All Angels14.54 Km
Picton Castle & Woodland Gardens14.96 Km
Distance to Cities
Carswell Medieval House is at:
42.00 Kms from the St Davids City
56.28 Kms from the Swansea / Abertawe City
111.01 Kms from the Cardiff / Caerdydd City
121.55 Kms from the Newport / Casnewydd City
135.83 Kms from the Exeter City
145.96 Kms from the Hereford City
150.73 Kms from the Bristol City
151.31 Kms from the Plymouth City
154.85 Kms from the Wells City
158.42 Kms from the Truro City
168.69 Kms from the Bath City
173.65 Kms from the Gloucester City
177.72 Kms from the Bangor City
182.80 Kms from the Worcester City
196.94 Kms from the St Asaph / Llanelwy City
205.63 Kms from the Wolverhampton City
210.40 Kms from the Chester City
214.23 Kms from the Birmingham City
215.90 Kms from the Salisbury City
227.04 Kms from the Liverpool City
228.72 Kms from the Lichfield City
230.41 Kms from the Stoke-on-Trent City
236.39 Kms from the Coventry City
240.88 Kms from the Oxford City
248.05 Kms from the Southampton City
248.42 Kms from the Winchester City
260.45 Kms from the Salford City
262.37 Kms from the Derby City
262.46 Kms from the Manchester City
268.84 Kms from the Leicester City
269.94 Kms from the Preston City
272.93 Kms from the Portsmouth City
283.13 Kms from the Nottingham City
291.77 Kms from the Chichester City
292.12 Kms from the Sheffield City
294.64 Kms from the Lancaster City
297.91 Kms from the Newry City
304.11 Kms from the St Albans City
309.87 Kms from the Bradford City
312.96 Kms from the Wakefield City
319.79 Kms from the Leeds City
320.13 Kms from the Westminster City
322.33 Kms from the London City
323.43 Kms from the Armagh City
323.56 Kms from the Peterborough City
326.74 Kms from the Lisburn City
333.96 Kms from the Lincoln City
334.20 Kms from the Belfast City
334.39 Kms from the Brighton and Hove City
339.04 Kms from the Cambridge City
348.83 Kms from the Ripon City
352.25 Kms from the Ely City
354.04 Kms from the York City
360.08 Kms from the Chelmsford City
376.15 Kms from the Kingston upon Hull City
377.57 Kms from the Carlisle City
404.27 Kms from the Durham City
406.11 Kms from the Canterbury City
406.24 Kms from the Derry / Londonderry City
422.26 Kms from the Newcastle upon Tyne City
422.80 Kms from the Sunderland City
425.72 Kms from the Norwich City
466.92 Kms from the Glasgow City
486.57 Kms from the Edinburgh City
496.58 Kms from the Stirling City
531.76 Kms from the Perth City
544.29 Kms from the Dundee City
632.43 Kms from the Aberdeen City
646.31 Kms from the Inverness / Inbhir Nis City