Calderside Map, Satellite view of Calderside, West Yorkshire, England

Calderside is located in West Yorkshire County, Calderdale District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Calderside

Latitude of city of Calderside is 53.73958 and longitude of city of Calderside is -2.03107. Calderside has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Calderside is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Calderside

HX7 6

Administrative division of Calderside

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Calderside

Latitude : 53.73958
Longitude : -2.03107

Online Map of Calderside - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Calderside weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Calderside?

List of Railway Stations near to Calderside
The nearest railway stations to Calderside are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Calderside
Hebden Bridge Station1.46 Km
Mytholmroyd Station3.47 Km
Todmorden Station5.34 Km
Walsden Station6.82 Km
Sowerby Bridge Station8.89 Km
Littleborough Station11.53 Km
Halifax Station11.86 Km
Smithy Bridge Station13.01 Km
Burnley Manchester Road Station15.18 Km
Burnley Central Station15.28 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Calderside?

List of Stops near to Calderside
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Calderside are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Calderside
King Street Oakville Rd Bus Stop (opp)136 m
King Street Oakville Rd Bus Stop (at)172 m
Halifax Road Beaumont View Bus Stop325 m
Halifax Road Groudle Glen Bus Stop345 m
King Street Bus Stop448 m
Mytholm Hall Bus Stop (at)504 m
Mytholm Hall Bus Stop (opp)525 m
Church Lane Bus Stop542 m
Mytholm Hall Bus Stop (near)544 m
Church Lane Bus Stop553 m

Historic Places to Visit near Calderside

List of Historic places near to Calderside

NameDistances from Calderside
Hardcastle Crags2.57 Km
Gibsons Mill2.95 Km
Top Withens8.38 Km
Copley, St Stephens Church11.04 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church11.17 Km
Bronte Parsonage Museum11.34 Km
Haworth, St Michaels Church11.34 Km
Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum13.16 Km
Burnley, St Peters Church14.92 Km
Cities or Towns near Calderside

List of places near to

Mytholm0.59 Km
Charlestown0.70 Km
Hebden Bridge1.15 Km
Nutclough1.16 Km
Heptonstall1.24 Km
Dodd Naze1.33 Km
Machpelah1.46 Km
Wood End1.48 Km
Birchcliffe1.80 Km
Slack1.93 Km
Colden2.14 Km
Upper Eastwood2.15 Km
Midgehole2.23 Km
Eastwood2.28 Km
Old Town2.36 Km
Blackshaw Head2.52 Km
Shackleton2.55 Km
Chiserley2.56 Km
Hoo Hole2.88 Km
Pecket Well3.11 Km
Mytholmroyd3.35 Km
Mankinholes3.41 Km
Rodmer Clough3.55 Km
Castle Street3.58 Km
Cross Stone3.84 Km
Cragg Vale4.30 Km
Lumbutts4.55 Km
Priestwell4.60 Km
Kilnhurst4.64 Km
Millwood4.65 Km
Brearley4.72 Km
Hole Bottom4.84 Km
Midgley5.18 Km
Todmorden5.25 Km
Salford5.48 Km
Harley Wood5.65 Km
Steep Lane5.67 Km
Shade5.74 Km
Hawks Stones5.92 Km
Lydgate5.96 Km
Luddenden Foot5.97 Km
Booth6.12 Km
Luddenden6.18 Km
Knowl Wood6.40 Km
Boulder Clough6.48 Km
Gauxholme6.48 Km
Vale6.56 Km
Shore6.65 Km
Wainstalls6.76 Km
Walsden6.78 Km