Butetown Map, Satellite view of Butetown, South Glamorgan, Wales

Butetown is located in South Glamorgan County, Cardiff / Caerdydd, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Butetown

Latitude of city of Butetown is 51.46902 and longitude of city of Butetown is -3.17237. Butetown has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of South Glamorgan.
The County of Butetown is South Glamorgan.

Postcode / zip code of Butetown

CF10 5

Administrative division of Butetown

County :South Glamorgan

GPS coordinates of Butetown

Latitude : 51.46902
Longitude : -3.17237

Online Map of Butetown - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Butetown?

List of Railway Stations near to Butetown
The nearest railway stations to Butetown are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Butetown
Cardiff Bay Station464 m
Cardiff Central Station915 m
Grangetown (South Glamorgan) Station1.21 Km
Cardiff Queen Street Station1.45 Km
Ninian Park Station2.20 Km
Cathays Station2.25 Km
Cogan Station2.81 Km
Dingle Road Station3.27 Km
Penarth Station3.69 Km
Eastbrook Station4.20 Km

Airports Near to Butetown

Cardiff International Airport , UK (14.32 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Butetown?

List of Stops near to Butetown
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Butetown are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Butetown
Dumballs Road Middle Bus Stop105 m
Dumballs Road Middle Bus Stop109 m
South Loudon Place Bus Stop259 m
South Loudon Place Bus Stop281 m
Hannah Street Bus Stop320 m
Hannah Street Bus Stop322 m
Magretion Place Bus Stop329 m
Glanhowny Close Bus Stop331 m
Letton Road Bus Stop352 m
Dumballs Road Bottom Bus Stop370 m

Cities or Towns near Butetown

List of places near to

Atlantic Wharf0.57 Km
Grangetown1.11 Km
Central1.24 Km
Cardiff / Caerdydd1.26 Km
Adamsdown1.45 Km
Riverside1.67 Km
Penarth Flats1.84 Km
Penarth Moors1.84 Km
Cathays Park1.95 Km
Splott2.12 Km
East Moors2.13 Km
Leckwith2.30 Km
Llandough / Llandochau2.58 Km
Canton2.76 Km
Blackweir2.83 Km
Leckwith / Lecwydd3.03 Km
Cathays3.05 Km
Tremorfa3.06 Km
Roath / Y Rhath3.16 Km
Pontcanna3.38 Km
Cogan3.42 Km
Maindy3.43 Km
Victoria Park3.58 Km
Pengam Moors3.59 Km
Penarth3.61 Km
Pengam3.68 Km
Pen-y-lan3.91 Km
Morristown4.06 Km
Michaelston-le-Pit / Llanfihangel-y-pwll4.07 Km
Gabalfa4.61 Km
Eastbrook4.61 Km
Murch4.69 Km
Roath Park4.80 Km
Lower Penarth4.83 Km
Llandaff / Llandâf4.91 Km
Dinas Powis / Dinas Powys5.09 Km
Pwll-Mawr5.17 Km
Caerau5.17 Km
Llanedeyrn5.18 Km
Llandaff North5.19 Km
Heath5.19 Km
Ely / Tre-lai5.23 Km
Birchgrove5.55 Km
Cyncoed5.56 Km
Fairwater5.58 Km
Rumney / Rhymni5.64 Km
Westra5.68 Km
Cosmeston5.77 Km
Culverhouse Cross5.99 Km
Llanrumney6.03 Km