Burley Map, Satellite view of Burley, Shropshire, England

Burley is located in Shropshire County, Shropshire, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Burley

Latitude of city of Burley is 52.42979 and longitude of city of Burley is -2.77192. Burley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Shropshire.
The County of Burley is Shropshire.

Postcode / zip code of Burley

SY7 9

Administrative division of Burley

County :Shropshire

GPS coordinates of Burley

Latitude : 52.42979
Longitude : -2.77192

Online Map of Burley - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Burley in the United Kingdom

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Burley weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Burley?

List of Railway Stations near to Burley
The nearest railway stations to Burley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Burley
Craven Arms Station4.66 Km
Ludlow Station7.52 Km
Broome Station7.72 Km
Hopton Heath Station10.42 Km
Church Stretton Station12.16 Km
Bucknell Station14.37 Km
Knighton Station20.62 Km
Leominster Station22.87 Km
Knucklas Station23.38 Km
Llangynllo Station27.89 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Burley?

List of Stops near to Burley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Burley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Burley
Burley Farm Bus Stop (adj)297 m
Junction Bus Stop (opp)997 m
Junction Bus Stop (adj)1.00 Km
Quarry Bus Stop (adj)1.40 Km
Junction Bus Stop (opp)1.47 Km
Junction Bus Stop (adj)1.49 Km
Upper Norton Farm Bus Stop (adj)1.64 Km
Seifton Lane Jct Bus Stop (adj)1.65 Km
Seifton Lane Jct Bus Stop (opp)1.71 Km
Quarry Bus Stop (opp)1.84 Km

Cities or Towns near Burley

List of places near to

Bache0.72 Km
Vernolds Common0.99 Km
Culmington1.48 Km
Norton1.68 Km
Shawbank1.85 Km
Seifton2.14 Km
Walton2.28 Km
Upper Dinchope2.74 Km
Lower Hayton2.80 Km
Pedlar's Rest3.04 Km
Titterhill3.08 Km
Stanton Lacy3.48 Km
Whettleton3.56 Km
Onibury3.56 Km
Lower Dinchope3.70 Km
Wootton3.71 Km
Upper Hayton3.89 Km
Corfton3.95 Km
Halford3.99 Km
Stokesay4.05 Km
Craven Arms4.28 Km
Corfton Bache4.34 Km
Whittytree4.43 Km
Aldon4.44 Km
Hayton's Bent4.59 Km
Westhope4.65 Km
Bromfield4.69 Km
Newington4.87 Km
Duxmoor4.97 Km
Pinstones4.98 Km
Diddlebury4.99 Km
Strefford5.17 Km
Wetmore5.48 Km
Burwood5.69 Km
Bache Mill5.69 Km
Upper Affcot5.85 Km
Wistanstow5.87 Km
Alcaston5.88 Km
Hoptongate5.97 Km
Lady Halton6.09 Km
Aston Munslow6.16 Km
Brandhill6.17 Km
Priors Halton6.37 Km
Wettles6.39 Km
Peaton6.41 Km
Felhampton6.50 Km
Sibdon Carwood6.56 Km
Cheney Longville6.56 Km
Long Meadowend6.63 Km
Leamoor Common6.75 Km