Broad Parkham Map, Satellite view of Broad Parkham, Devon, England

Broad Parkham is located in Devon County, Torridge District, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Broad Parkham

Latitude of city of Broad Parkham is 50.97892 and longitude of city of Broad Parkham is -4.31620. Broad Parkham has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Devon.
The County of Broad Parkham is Devon.

Postcode / zip code of Broad Parkham

EX39 5

Administrative division of Broad Parkham

County :Devon

GPS coordinates of Broad Parkham

Latitude : 50.97892
Longitude : -4.31620

Online Map of Broad Parkham - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Broad Parkham in the United Kingdom

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Broad Parkham weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Broad Parkham?

List of Railway Stations near to Broad Parkham
The nearest railway stations to Broad Parkham are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Broad Parkham
Barnstaple Station20.62 Km
Chapelton Station20.82 Km
Umberleigh Station23.41 Km
Portsmouth Arms Station25.72 Km
King's Nympton Station29.16 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Broad Parkham?

List of Stops near to Broad Parkham
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Broad Parkham are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Broad Parkham
Hoops Inn Bus Stop (opp)604 m
Hoops Inn Bus Stop (E-bound)615 m
Higher Wayton Bus Stop (SW-bound)802 m
Higher Wayton Bus Stop (E-bound)860 m
Acre Road Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.23 Km
Acre Road Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.23 Km
Church Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.73 Km
Church Bus Stop (opp)1.76 Km
Bell Inn Bus Stop (S-bound)1.83 Km
Bell Inn Bus Stop (N-bound)1.83 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Broad Parkham

List of Historic places near to Broad Parkham

NameDistances from Broad Parkham
Clovelly Court Gardens6.98 Km
Clovelly, All Saints Church7.00 Km
Tapeley Park12.23 Km
Rosemoor Garden13.15 Km
Hartland Abbey13.60 Km
Hartland, St Nectans Church14.04 Km
Docton Mill Gardens14.05 Km
Spekes Mill Mouth Waterfall14.96 Km
Cities or Towns near Broad Parkham

List of places near to

Holwell0.69 Km
Hoops1.00 Km
Northway1.09 Km
Horns Cross1.17 Km
Peppercombe1.41 Km
Bocombe1.41 Km
Goldworthy1.71 Km
Parkham1.75 Km
Newhaven1.88 Km
Parkham Ash2.02 Km
Buck's Mills2.05 Km
Buck's Cross2.77 Km
Cranford3.08 Km
Alwington3.08 Km
Cabbacott3.15 Km
Fairy Cross3.40 Km
Alminstone Cross3.62 Km
Ford3.91 Km
Powler's Piece4.00 Km
Woodtown4.00 Km
Stroxworthy4.24 Km
Lower Twitchen4.47 Km
Buckland Brewer4.76 Km
Knotty Corner4.99 Km
Yeo Vale5.08 Km
Burnstone5.08 Km
Narracott5.10 Km
Ashmansworthy5.73 Km
Duerdon5.82 Km
Eckworthy5.82 Km
East Putford6.16 Km
Burscott6.31 Km
Wrinkleberry6.31 Km
Tythecott6.32 Km
Cory6.32 Km
Abbotsham6.35 Km
Clovelly6.39 Km
Littleham6.46 Km
Higher Clovelly6.52 Km
Sessacott6.60 Km
West Putford6.81 Km
Bountis Thorne7.00 Km
Rickard's Down7.06 Km
Thornehillhead7.20 Km
Hugglepit7.26 Km
Huddisford7.60 Km
Saltrens8.04 Km
Colscott8.06 Km
Haytown8.13 Km
Monkleigh8.20 Km