Booths Hill Map, Satellite view of Booths Hill, Cheshire, England

Booths Hill is located in Cheshire County, Warrington, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Booths Hill

Latitude of city of Booths Hill is 53.37769 and longitude of city of Booths Hill is -2.48904. Booths Hill has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cheshire.
The County of Booths Hill is Cheshire.

Postcode / zip code of Booths Hill

WA13 0

Administrative division of Booths Hill

County :Cheshire

GPS coordinates of Booths Hill

Latitude : 53.37769
Longitude : -2.48904

Online Map of Booths Hill - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Booths Hill in the United Kingdom

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Booths Hill weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Booths Hill?

List of Railway Stations near to Booths Hill
The nearest railway stations to Booths Hill are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Booths Hill
Birchwood Station4.58 Km
Padgate Station5.47 Km
Glazebrook Station5.96 Km
Warrington Central Station7.08 Km
Irlam Station7.30 Km
Warrington Bank Quay Station7.57 Km
Hale Station9.40 Km
Altrincham Station9.49 Km
Navigation Road Station9.86 Km
Ashley Station10.09 Km

Airports Near to Booths Hill

City Airport Manchester , UK (12.35 Km)

Manchester Airport , UK (14.45 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Booths Hill?

List of Stops near to Booths Hill
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Booths Hill are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Booths Hill
Cherry Lane Bus Stop (S-bound)76 m
Booths Hill Close Bus Stop (SW-bound)132 m
Hardy Road Bus Stop (W-bound)191 m
Barsbank Lane Bus Stop (opp)225 m
Barsbank Lane Bus Stop (cnr)226 m
Welfare Centre Bus Stop (opp)260 m
Welfare Centre Bus Stop (o/s)353 m
Highfield Road Bus Stop (N-bound)373 m
Daisy Bank Road Bus Stop (cnr)387 m
Daisy Bank Road Bus Stop (opp)408 m

Historic Places to Visit near Booths Hill

List of Historic places near to Booths Hill

NameDistances from Booths Hill
Warburton, St Werburghs Church3.54 Km
Dunham Massey5.94 Km
Arley Hall5.95 Km
Carrington, St Georges Church7.75 Km
Tatton Park8.59 Km
Great Budworth, St Mary and All Saints Church9.34 Km
Tabley House10.38 Km
Lower Peover, St Oswalds Church14.34 Km
Cities or Towns near Booths Hill

List of places near to

Church Green0.73 Km
Statham0.83 Km
Lymm0.89 Km
Rushgreen1.98 Km
Deansgreen2.36 Km
Oughtrington2.37 Km
Thelwall2.60 Km
Martinscroft2.76 Km
Sworton Heath3.04 Km
Broomedge3.05 Km
Heatley3.10 Km
High Legh3.63 Km
Warburton3.68 Km
Lane End3.69 Km
Grange3.71 Km
Rixton3.74 Km
Grappenhall3.99 Km
Woolston4.03 Km
Mossbrow4.18 Km
Carr Green4.25 Km
Hollins Green4.33 Km
Paddington4.42 Km
Westy4.53 Km
Hollinfare4.65 Km
Appleton Thorn4.80 Km
Oakwood4.82 Km
Dunham Woodhouses4.98 Km
Bruche4.98 Km
Wright's green5.02 Km
Arthill5.11 Km
Longbarn5.11 Km
Birchwood Centre5.22 Km
Birchwood5.25 Km
Park View5.26 Km
Little Bollington5.29 Km
Latchford5.44 Km
Padgate5.54 Km
Dudlow's Green5.57 Km
Cobbs5.64 Km
Gorse Covert5.68 Km
Fearnhead5.73 Km
Locking Stumps5.83 Km
Hoo Green5.95 Km
Hulseheath5.96 Km
Arley5.97 Km
Glazebrook6.00 Km
Pewterspear6.07 Km
Partington6.14 Km
Birchwood Park6.15 Km
Whitley Reed6.18 Km