Blackbrook Map, Satellite view of Blackbrook, Staffordshire, England

Blackbrook is located in Staffordshire County, Newcastle-under-Lyme District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Blackbrook

Latitude of city of Blackbrook is 52.94756 and longitude of city of Blackbrook is -2.35139. Blackbrook has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Staffordshire.
The County of Blackbrook is Staffordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Blackbrook

ST5 5

Administrative division of Blackbrook

County :Staffordshire

GPS coordinates of Blackbrook

Latitude : 52.94756
Longitude : -2.35139

Online Map of Blackbrook - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Blackbrook in the United Kingdom

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Blackbrook weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Blackbrook?

List of Railway Stations near to Blackbrook
The nearest railway stations to Blackbrook are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Blackbrook
Stoke-On-Trent Station13.24 Km
Longport Station13.84 Km
Stone Station13.87 Km
Longton Station15.11 Km
Alsager Station16.55 Km
Crewe Station16.71 Km
Kidsgrove Station17.02 Km
Nantwich Station17.09 Km
Wrenbury Station18.22 Km
Blythe Bridge Station19.19 Km

Airports Near to Blackbrook

RAF Ternhill , UK (14.88 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Blackbrook?

List of Stops near to Blackbrook
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Blackbrook are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Blackbrook
The Croft Bus Stop (Opp)29 m
The Croft Bus Stop (Adj)48 m
Hungers Heath Farm Bus Stop (Adj)627 m
Newcastle Road Bus Stop (Adj)642 m
Nantwich Road Bus Stop (Opp)682 m
Wharmadine Lane Bus Stop (Adj)1.13 Km
Wharmadine Lane Bus Stop (Opp)1.17 Km
Sandy Lane Bus Stop (Opp)1.81 Km
Sandy Lane Bus Stop (Adj)1.83 Km
Eldertree Lane Bus Stop (Opp)1.96 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Blackbrook

List of Historic places near to Blackbrook

NameDistances from Blackbrook
Whitmore Hall5.11 Km
Adderley, St Peters Church10.24 Km
Wedgwood Museum & Visitor Centre13.43 Km
Cities or Towns near Blackbrook

List of places near to

Sidway0.53 Km
Willoughbridge1.82 Km
Lordsley2.16 Km
Aston2.29 Km
Ashley2.31 Km
Maer2.84 Km
Madeley Park2.91 Km
Ashley Dale3.15 Km
Pipe Gate3.20 Km
Ashley Heath3.30 Km
Baldwin's Gate3.37 Km
Jugbank3.60 Km
Knighton3.73 Km
Podmore3.76 Km
Ireland's Cross3.80 Km
Bearstone3.80 Km
Dorrington3.80 Km
Winnington3.82 Km
Coombesdale4.03 Km
Loggerheads4.04 Km
Hookgate4.12 Km
Hill Chorlton4.12 Km
Tadgedale4.14 Km
Onneley4.21 Km
Mucklestone4.26 Km
Woore4.35 Km
Napley Heath4.48 Km
Bromley Hall4.58 Km
Chapel Chorlton4.60 Km
Gravenhunger Moss4.62 Km
Bulkeley Hall4.62 Km
Napley4.83 Km
Gerrard's Bromley4.89 Km
Whitmore4.90 Km
Stableford5.02 Km
Shelton under Harley5.03 Km
Charnes5.26 Km
Chatcull5.71 Km
Wetwood5.79 Km
Fairoak5.89 Km
Bloreheath6.06 Km
Madeley6.07 Km
Whittington6.07 Km
Norton in Hales6.09 Km
Blore6.17 Km
Middle Madeley6.17 Km
Gorsey Bank6.25 Km
Standon6.27 Km
Bowers6.31 Km
Acton6.33 Km