Billy Mill Map, Satellite view of Billy Mill, Tyne and Wear, England

Billy Mill is located in Tyne and Wear County, North Tyneside District, North East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Billy Mill

Latitude of city of Billy Mill is 55.01685 and longitude of city of Billy Mill is -1.47206. Billy Mill has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Tyne and Wear.
The County of Billy Mill is Tyne and Wear.

Postcode / zip code of Billy Mill

NE29 8

Administrative division of Billy Mill

County :Tyne and Wear

GPS coordinates of Billy Mill

Latitude : 55.01685
Longitude : -1.47206

Online Map of Billy Mill - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Billy Mill in the United Kingdom

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Billy Mill weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Billy Mill?

List of Railway Stations near to Billy Mill
The nearest railway stations to Billy Mill are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Billy Mill
Heworth Station9.01 Km
Manors Station9.78 Km
Newcastle Station10.72 Km
Cramlington Station11.28 Km
Dunston Station13.15 Km
Sunderland Station13.66 Km
MetroCentre Station13.94 Km
Blaydon Station16.36 Km
Chester-Le-Street Station19.27 Km
Pegswood Station21.01 Km

Airports Near to Billy Mill

Newcastle Airport , UK (14.18 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Billy Mill?

List of Stops near to Billy Mill
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Billy Mill are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Billy Mill
Lynn Road - Hedgeley Road Bus Stop (NW-Bound)23 m
Morwick Road Bus Stop (N-Bound)136 m
Morwick Road-Netherton Avenue Bus Stop (S-Bound)161 m
Lynn Road - Heaton Terrace Bus Stop (SE-Bound)195 m
Lynn Road Bus Stop (SE-Bound)213 m
Coast Road - Glanton Road Bus Stop (E-Bound)218 m
Coast Road - Glanton Road Bus Stop (W-Bound)249 m
Morwick Road-Weldon Place Bus Stop (N-Bound)252 m
Morwick Road-Weldon Place Bus Stop (S-Bound)274 m
Billy Mill Lane-School Bus Stop (NW-Bound)284 m

Cities or Towns near Billy Mill

List of places near to

West Chirton0.92 Km
Preston1.24 Km
New York1.27 Km
Preston Grange1.38 Km
Murton1.86 Km
Meadow Well1.88 Km
Marden1.97 Km
Howdon2.05 Km
North Shields2.06 Km
Percy Main2.08 Km
West Monkseaton2.33 Km
Willington Square2.49 Km
Willington2.59 Km
East Howdon2.61 Km
Monkseaton2.74 Km
Tynemouth2.97 Km
The Lawe3.00 Km
Willington Quay3.01 Km
Cullercoats3.10 Km
Howdon Pans3.13 Km
South Shields3.31 Km
Shiremoor3.33 Km
Rosehill3.33 Km
Mill Dam3.42 Km
Whitley Bay3.46 Km
Holy Cross3.46 Km
West Allotment3.56 Km
Earsdon3.62 Km
Point Pleasant3.65 Km
High Shields3.70 Km
Holystone3.72 Km
Benton Square3.85 Km
Tyne Dock4.05 Km
Jarrow4.13 Km
East Jarrow4.41 Km
Hebburn Colliery4.44 Km
West Holywell4.45 Km
Whitley Sands4.53 Km
Westoe4.56 Km
East Holywell4.59 Km
Backworth4.73 Km
Palmersville4.84 Km
Wallsend4.86 Km
Cauldwell5.09 Km
Hebburn Row5.12 Km
Simonside5.13 Km
Bigges Main5.30 Km
Killingworth Moor5.48 Km
Campbell Park5.58 Km
Hebburn New Town5.60 Km