Billesley Map, Satellite view of Billesley, Warwickshire, England

Billesley is located in Warwickshire County, Stratford-on-Avon District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Billesley

Latitude of city of Billesley is 52.20735 and longitude of city of Billesley is -1.78624. Billesley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Warwickshire.
The County of Billesley is Warwickshire.

Postcode / zip code of Billesley

B49 6

Administrative division of Billesley

County :Warwickshire

GPS coordinates of Billesley

Latitude : 52.20735
Longitude : -1.78624

Online Map of Billesley - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Billesley in the United Kingdom

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Billesley weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Billesley?

List of Railway Stations near to Billesley
The nearest railway stations to Billesley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Billesley
Wilmcote Station2.70 Km
Stratford Pkway Station3.78 Km
Bearley Station4.79 Km
Stratford-Upon-Avon Station4.98 Km
Wootton Wawen Station6.62 Km
Henley-In-Arden Station9.36 Km
Claverdon Station9.87 Km
Honeybourne Station12.20 Km
Hatton Station12.45 Km
Danzey Station13.27 Km

Airports Near to Billesley

Wellesbourne Mountford Airport , UK (11.83 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Billesley?

List of Stops near to Billesley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Billesley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Billesley
Glebe Estate Bus Stop (Opp)2.04 Km
Marsh Road Bus Stop (Adj)2.08 Km
Glebe Estate Bus Stop (Adj)2.09 Km
Glebe Estate Bus Stop (Opp)2.10 Km
Marsh Road Bus Stop (Opp)2.10 Km
Post Office Bus Stop (Adj)2.21 Km
Mary Ardens House Bus Stop (Adj)2.33 Km
Mary Ardens House Bus Stop (Opp)2.33 Km
Orchard Rise Bus Stop (Adj)2.34 Km
Walcote Manor Farm Bus Stop (Adj)2.41 Km

Cities or Towns near Billesley

List of places near to

Red Hill0.86 Km
Wilmcote2.22 Km
Binton2.35 Km
Drayton2.38 Km
Walcote2.41 Km
Haselor2.64 Km
Lower Binton2.74 Km
Upton2.77 Km
Temple Grafton3.02 Km
Aston Cantlow3.46 Km
Pathlow3.68 Km
Great Alne3.76 Km
Newnham3.83 Km
Bishopton3.91 Km
Ardens Grafton4.00 Km
Cranhill4.04 Km
Shottery4.31 Km
Alne End4.32 Km
Exhall4.39 Km
Welford-on-Avon4.41 Km
Luddington4.48 Km
Little Alne4.69 Km
Kinwarton4.79 Km
Weston-on-Avon4.83 Km
Bearley Cross4.89 Km
Lower Clopton4.91 Km
Alne Hills5.05 Km
Bearley5.22 Km
Oversley Green5.37 Km
Shelfield Green5.56 Km
Stratford-upon-Avon5.68 Km
New End5.77 Km
Upper Milcote5.78 Km
Alcester5.82 Km
Wixford5.91 Km
Coughton Fields5.95 Km
Edstone6.07 Km
Shelfield6.25 Km
Clifford Chambers6.40 Km
Braggington6.56 Km
Bidford-on-Avon6.59 Km
Bridge Town6.62 Km
Wootton Wawen6.66 Km
Arrow6.69 Km
Kings Coughton6.73 Km
Broom6.73 Km
Barton6.74 Km
Ingon6.88 Km
Dorsington7.01 Km
Snitterfield7.37 Km