Bennecarrigan Map, Satellite view of Bennecarrigan, Ayrshire and Arran, Scotland

Bennecarrigan is located in Ayrshire and Arran County, North Ayrshire, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Bennecarrigan

Latitude of city of Bennecarrigan is 55.46206 and longitude of city of Bennecarrigan is -5.25205. Bennecarrigan has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Ayrshire and Arran.
The County of Bennecarrigan is Ayrshire and Arran.

Postcode / zip code of Bennecarrigan

KA27 8

Administrative division of Bennecarrigan

County :Ayrshire and Arran

GPS coordinates of Bennecarrigan

Latitude : 55.46206
Longitude : -5.25205

Online Map of Bennecarrigan - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Bennecarrigan in the United Kingdom

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Bennecarrigan weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bennecarrigan?

List of Stops near to Bennecarrigan
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bennecarrigan are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bennecarrigan
The Ross Bus Stop (at)1.43 Km
The Ross Bus Stop (opp)1.44 Km
The Smiddy Bus Stop (near)1.50 Km
The Smiddy Bus Stop (opp)1.54 Km
Lagg Hotel Bus Stop (opp)2.12 Km
Lagg Hotel Bus Stop (At)2.13 Km
Fourwinds Cottage Bus Stop (opp)2.24 Km
Fourwinds Cottage Bus Stop (after)2.26 Km
Kilmory Primary School Bus Stop (At)2.35 Km
Torrylinn Bus Stop (Opp)2.48 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Bennecarrigan

List of Historic places near to Bennecarrigan

NameDistances from Bennecarrigan
Torr aChaisteal Fort2.32 Km
Torrylin Cairn2.68 Km
Kilpatrick Dun4.73 Km
Carn Ban5.31 Km
Machrie Moor Stone Circles9.55 Km
Giants Graves9.85 Km
Moss Farm Road Stone Circles10.16 Km
Auchagallon Stone Circle12.24 Km
Arran Heritage Museum14.68 Km
Cities or Towns near Bennecarrigan

List of places near to

Sliddery1.52 Km
Lagg2.22 Km
Kilmory2.49 Km
Corriecravie2.51 Km
Laigh Kilmory2.51 Km
High Kilmory3.13 Km
Torrylinn3.22 Km
Shannochie4.00 Km
West Bennan4.45 Km
East Bennan5.14 Km
Kilpatrick5.54 Km
South Feorline6.26 Km
Levencorroch6.35 Km
North Feorline6.47 Km
Blackwaterfoot6.97 Km
Birchburn7.17 Km
Shiskine7.23 Km
Pien7.26 Km
Auchenhew7.74 Km
Torbeg7.86 Km
Drimlabarra8.21 Km
Ballymichael8.22 Km
Balmichael8.23 Km
Kildonan9.28 Km
Dippin9.69 Km
Seacliffe10.01 Km
South Kiscadale10.08 Km
North Kiscadale10.17 Km
Tormore10.23 Km
Mid Kiscadale10.24 Km
Knockenkelly10.26 Km
Whiting Bay10.38 Km
Largymeanoch10.41 Km
Largymore10.46 Km
Largybeg10.49 Km
Cordon10.53 Km
Auchencairn10.58 Km
Gortonallister10.62 Km
Machrie11.28 Km
Blairbeg11.29 Km
Kingscross11.29 Km
Lamlash11.84 Km
Auchagallon12.21 Km
Clauchlands13.42 Km
Auchencar13.97 Km
Invercloy14.27 Km
North Corriegills14.28 Km
Brodick14.32 Km
Strathwhillan14.33 Km
South Corriegills14.46 Km