Barton Waterside Map, Satellite view of Barton Waterside, Lincolnshire, England

Barton Waterside is located in Lincolnshire County, North Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Barton Waterside

Latitude of city of Barton Waterside is 53.69789 and longitude of city of Barton Waterside is -0.44898. Barton Waterside has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Lincolnshire.
The County of Barton Waterside is Lincolnshire.

Postcode / zip code of Barton Waterside

DN18 5

Administrative division of Barton Waterside

County :Lincolnshire

GPS coordinates of Barton Waterside

Latitude : 53.69789
Longitude : -0.44898

Online Map of Barton Waterside - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Barton Waterside in the United Kingdom

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Barton Waterside weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Barton Waterside?

List of Railway Stations near to Barton Waterside
The nearest railway stations to Barton Waterside are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Barton Waterside
Barton-On-Humber Station1.06 Km
Hessle Station2.22 Km
Barrow Haven Station3.69 Km
Ferriby Station4.43 Km
New Holland Station5.86 Km
Goxhill Station7.73 Km
Hull Station8.52 Km
Brough Station9.13 Km
Thornton Abbey Station9.61 Km
Cottingham Station9.72 Km

Airports Near to Barton Waterside

Brough Airport , UK (8.10 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Barton Waterside?

List of Stops near to Barton Waterside
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Barton Waterside are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Barton Waterside
Far Ings Road Bus Stop (o/s 33)609 m
Tesco Bus Stop (on)867 m
Victoria House Bus Stop (o/s)1.02 Km
Barton-on-Humber Rail Station1.06 Km
Barton-on-Humber Rail Station (entrance)1.08 Km
Railway Station Bus Stop (adj)1.08 Km
Shadwell Rise Bus Stop (opp)1.15 Km
Butts Road Bus Stop (o/s 108)1.33 Km
Butts Road Bus Stop (o/s 73)1.33 Km
Westfield Road Bus Stop (adj 49)1.34 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Barton Waterside

List of Historic places near to Barton Waterside

NameDistances from Barton Waterside
Barton upon Humber, St Peters Church1.83 Km
Maister House9.29 Km
Skidby Windmill9.87 Km
Thornton Abbey and Gatehouse10.15 Km
Rowley, St Peters Church10.42 Km
Elsham Hall Gardens11.62 Km
Fort Paull14.59 Km
Barnetby, St Marys Church14.65 Km
Cities or Towns near Barton Waterside

List of places near to

Barton-upon-Humber1.61 Km
Hessle Cliff2.08 Km
West Hill2.11 Km
South Field2.34 Km
Hessle2.94 Km
Northfield3.75 Km
Barrow Haven3.80 Km
The Castles3.96 Km
North Ferriby4.44 Km
South Ferriby4.58 Km
Gipsyville4.75 Km
Low Field4.85 Km
Horkstow Wolds4.99 Km
Barrow upon Humber5.15 Km
Ferriby Sluice5.16 Km
Swanland5.33 Km
Anlaby Park5.33 Km
Anlaby5.37 Km
Anlaby Common5.74 Km
New Holland5.83 Km
West Ella5.99 Km
Melton6.03 Km
Barrow Hann6.06 Km
Wolfreton6.07 Km
East Ella6.12 Km
Kirk Ella6.18 Km
Dairycoates6.31 Km
Horkstow6.45 Km
Willerby6.62 Km
North Ella6.75 Km
Willerby Bottom7.17 Km
Burnham7.31 Km
Saxby All Saints7.44 Km
Welton7.57 Km
The Hallands7.60 Km
North End7.89 Km
Raywell7.99 Km
Goxhill8.06 Km
Thornton Curtis8.28 Km
Bonby8.44 Km
Eppleworth8.73 Km
Lisle Court8.79 Km
Trinity Court8.82 Km
Stepney8.87 Km
Brough8.91 Km
South End9.10 Km
Elloughton9.17 Km
Kingston upon Hull9.25 Km
Inglemire9.25 Km
Winteringham9.39 Km