Balquhidder Map, Satellite view of Balquhidder, Stirling and Falkirk, Scotland

Balquhidder is located in Stirling and Falkirk County, Stirling, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Balquhidder

Latitude of city of Balquhidder is 56.35247 and longitude of city of Balquhidder is -4.37001. Balquhidder has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Stirling and Falkirk.
The County of Balquhidder is Stirling and Falkirk.

Postcode / zip code of Balquhidder

FK19 8

Administrative division of Balquhidder

County :Stirling and Falkirk

GPS coordinates of Balquhidder

Latitude : 56.35247
Longitude : -4.37001

Online Map of Balquhidder - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Balquhidder in the United Kingdom

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Balquhidder weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Balquhidder?

List of Railway Stations near to Balquhidder
The nearest railway stations to Balquhidder are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Balquhidder
Crianlarich Station15.87 Km
Ardlui Station22.40 Km
Upper Tyndrum Station22.48 Km
Tyndrum Lower Station23.05 Km
Arrochar and Tarbet Station27.33 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Balquhidder?

List of Stops near to Balquhidder
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Balquhidder are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Balquhidder
Balimore Crossroads Bus Stop (at)304 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (at)546 m
Hotel Bus Stop (opp)2.73 Km
Hotel Bus Stop (near)2.74 Km
Balvaig Cottages Bus Stop (opp)3.61 Km
Balvaig Cottages Bus Stop (at)3.63 Km
Ben Sheann Hotel Bus Stop (opp and after)4.00 Km
Ben Sheann Hotel Bus Stop (at)4.04 Km
Cameron Court Bus Stop (at)6.28 Km
Cameron Court Bus Stop (opp)6.30 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Balquhidder

List of Historic places near to Balquhidder

NameDistances from Balquhidder
Loch Earn10.42 Km
Breadalbane Folklore Centre 12.70 Km
Ben Lawers Nature Reserve13.16 Km
The Trossachs13.66 Km
Finlarig Castle14.05 Km
Moirlanich Longhouse14.11 Km
Cities or Towns near Balquhidder

List of places near to

Auchtubh1.85 Km
Kingshouse2.85 Km
Strathyre3.75 Km
Lochearnhead6.21 Km
Edinample6.23 Km
Ardchullarie More8.35 Km
Ardchyle8.76 Km
Glen Beich8.88 Km
Auchlyne9.48 Km
Lix9.58 Km
Monemore12.50 Km
Killin13.19 Km
Brig o'Turk13.62 Km
Kilmahog13.71 Km