Azerley Map, Satellite view of Azerley, North Yorkshire, England

Azerley is located in North Yorkshire County, Harrogate District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Azerley

Latitude of city of Azerley is 54.16753 and longitude of city of Azerley is -1.60288. Azerley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of North Yorkshire.
The County of Azerley is North Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Azerley

HG4 3

Administrative division of Azerley

County :North Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Azerley

Latitude : 54.16753
Longitude : -1.60288

Online Map of Azerley - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Azerley?

List of Railway Stations near to Azerley
The nearest railway stations to Azerley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Azerley
Thirsk Station16.43 Km
Knaresborough Station19.63 Km
Harrogate Station19.85 Km
Starbeck Station19.88 Km
Northallerton Station21.19 Km
Hornbeam Park Station21.45 Km
Pannal Station23.70 Km
Cattal Station26.40 Km
Weeton Station27.21 Km
Hammerton Station28.19 Km

Airports Near to Azerley

RAF Dishforth , UK (12.36 Km)

Leeming Airport , UK (14.56 Km)

RAF Topcliffe , UK (14.97 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Azerley?

List of Stops near to Azerley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Azerley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Azerley
The Galphay Arms Bus Stop (SE-bound)2.12 Km
The Galphay Arms Bus Stop (N-bound)2.13 Km
Galphay Village Centre Bus Stop (E-bound)2.16 Km
Galphay Village Centre Bus Stop (W-bound)2.18 Km
Mickley Village Hail & Ride Bus Stop (W-bound)2.30 Km
Mickley Village Hail & Ride Bus Stop (E-bound)2.32 Km
Car Park Bus Stop (adj)2.81 Km
Post Office Bus Stop (E-bound)2.86 Km
Post Office Bus Stop (W-bound)2.86 Km
Cross Keys Bus Stop (NW-bound)3.34 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Azerley

List of Historic places near to Azerley

NameDistances from Azerley
Hackfall Woods4.08 Km
Marmion Tower4.11 Km
Fountains Abbey5.57 Km
Studley Royal Water Garden5.57 Km
Studley Royal, St Mary Church5.63 Km
Norton Conyers6.05 Km
Markenfield Hall8.06 Km
Snape Castle Chapel9.70 Km
Thorp Perrow Arboretum10.41 Km
Brimham Rocks11.14 Km
Newby Hall11.33 Km
Skelton-cum-Newby Church12.04 Km
Jervaulx Abbey14.20 Km
Ripley Castle14.34 Km
Sion Hill Hall14.47 Km
Roecliffe, St Marys Church14.50 Km
Cities or Towns near Azerley

List of places near to

Galphay2.19 Km
Mickley2.29 Km
Sutton Grange2.41 Km
Kirkby Malzeard2.87 Km
North Stainley2.89 Km
Grewelthorpe3.38 Km
Laverton3.49 Km
Stainmoor3.50 Km
Winksley3.57 Km
North Lees4.10 Km
West Tanfield4.32 Km
Ringbeck4.35 Km
Studley Royal4.46 Km
Clotherholme4.59 Km
Bishopton4.89 Km
Low Grantley4.90 Km
Binsoe5.27 Km
Aldfield5.27 Km
Studley Roger5.42 Km
Grantley Hall5.42 Km
Belford5.55 Km
High Grantley5.57 Km
Thornborough5.84 Km
Nosterfield5.97 Km
Ure Bank6.07 Km
Nunwick6.17 Km
Risplith6.22 Km
Ripon6.25 Km
Little Studley6.25 Km
Borrage Green6.29 Km
Norton Conyers6.32 Km
Swetton6.62 Km
Bondgate6.64 Km
Low Swinton6.69 Km
Fountains Abbey6.73 Km
Wath6.73 Km
Hutton Conyers6.78 Km
Warthermarske6.82 Km
High Swinton6.95 Km
Sawley7.05 Km
Masham7.07 Km
Camp Close7.07 Km
Fisher Green7.08 Km
Dallow7.15 Km
Sutton Howgrave7.16 Km
Sharow7.16 Km
Gallows Hill7.20 Km
Well7.22 Km
Eavestone7.37 Km
Greygarth7.57 Km