Aston Map, Satellite view of Aston, Shropshire, England

Aston is located in Shropshire County, Telford and Wrekin, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Aston

Latitude of city of Aston is 52.68349 and longitude of city of Aston is -2.57482. Aston has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Shropshire.
The County of Aston is Shropshire.

Postcode / zip code of Aston

TF6 5

Administrative division of Aston

County :Shropshire

GPS coordinates of Aston

Latitude : 52.68349
Longitude : -2.57482

Online Map of Aston - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Aston?

List of Railway Stations near to Aston
The nearest railway stations to Aston are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Aston
Wellington Station4.36 Km
Oakengates Station8.47 Km
Telford Central Station9.03 Km
Shrewsbury Station12.21 Km
Shifnal Station13.82 Km
Yorton Station17.69 Km
Cosford Station19.01 Km
Albrighton Station21.24 Km
Wem Station21.51 Km
Church Stretton Station22.42 Km

Airports Near to Aston

RAF Shawbury , UK (14.22 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Aston?

List of Stops near to Aston
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Aston are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Aston
Aston Farm Bus Stop (opp T Junction)36 m
Aston Farm Bus Stop (adj T Junction)49 m
Woodgreen Bus Stop (Woodgreen)791 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (opp)797 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (adj)839 m
Umbrella House Bus Stop (after)1.12 Km
Umbrella House Bus Stop (opp)1.15 Km
Overley Cottages Bus Stop (opp)1.23 Km
Overley Cottages Bus Stop (adj)1.25 Km
Junction Bus Stop (adj)1.32 Km

Cities or Towns near Aston

List of places near to

Overley1.24 Km
Uppington1.35 Km
Leaton1.49 Km
Rushton1.66 Km
Bluebell1.91 Km
Cluddley2.12 Km
Charlton2.22 Km
Wrockwardine2.53 Km
Upper Longwood2.76 Km
Allscott3.02 Km
Walcot3.18 Km
Charlton Hill3.33 Km
Haygate3.35 Km
Uckington3.42 Km
Eaton Constantine3.46 Km
Garmston3.59 Km
Rushmoor3.79 Km
Admaston3.93 Km
The Coalpits / Lower Longwood3.99 Km
Donnington3.99 Km
Isombridge4.10 Km
Steeraway4.25 Km
Leighton4.27 Km
Little Wenlock4.43 Km
Wellington4.45 Km
Norton4.51 Km
Marsh Green4.69 Km
Little Worth4.77 Km
Shawbirch4.83 Km
Dothill4.85 Km
Bratton4.86 Km
Dryton4.97 Km
Arleston4.99 Km
Wroxeter4.99 Km
Withington5.01 Km
Eyton on Severn5.20 Km
New Works5.21 Km
Rodington5.24 Km
Sugdon5.30 Km
Rodington Heath5.60 Km
Coundlane5.61 Km
Leegomery5.64 Km
Buildwas5.65 Km
Lawley5.67 Km
Coalmoor5.68 Km
Longdon on Tern5.87 Km
Sheinton5.89 Km
Cressage5.92 Km
Ketley6.17 Km
Eyton upon the Weald Moors6.29 Km