Airedale Map, Satellite view of Airedale, West Yorkshire, England

Airedale is located in West Yorkshire County, Wakefield District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Airedale

Latitude of city of Airedale is 53.72485 and longitude of city of Airedale is -1.31358. Airedale has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Airedale is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Airedale

WF10 3

Administrative division of Airedale

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Airedale

Latitude : 53.72485
Longitude : -1.31358

Online Map of Airedale - road map, satellite view and street view

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Airedale weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Airedale?

List of Railway Stations near to Airedale
The nearest railway stations to Airedale are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Airedale
Glasshoughton Station2.57 Km
Castleford Station2.70 Km
Pontefract Monkhill Station2.95 Km
Pontefract Tanshelf Station3.43 Km
Pontefract Baghill Station3.73 Km
Knottingley Station4.12 Km
Featherstone Station5.89 Km
Micklefield Station7.17 Km
South Milford Station7.62 Km
Normanton Station7.72 Km

Airports Near to Airedale

Sherburn-In-Elmet Airfield , UK (9.51 Km)

Leeds East Airport , UK (14.43 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Airedale?

List of Stops near to Airedale
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Airedale are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Airedale
The Square Bus Stop (stop A)136 m
The Square Bus Stop (stop B)153 m
Elizabeth Drive Austin Rd Bus Stop188 m
Elizabeth Drive Austin Rd Bus Stop (adj)190 m
Fryston Road Leyland Rd Bus Stop (opp)250 m
Fryston Road Leyland Rd Bus Stop (before)283 m
Queens Park Drive Stansfield Rd Bus Stop300 m
Elizabeth Drive Lewin Grove Bus Stop (stop)301 m
Elizabeth Drive Lewin Grove Bus Stop309 m
Fryston Road Park Crescent Bus Stop335 m

Historic Places to Visit near Airedale

List of Historic places near to Airedale

NameDistances from Airedale
Pontefract Castle3.26 Km
Steeton Hall Gateway6.58 Km
Nostell Priory9.49 Km
Lead, St Marys Church11.15 Km
Temple Newsam House11.66 Km
Sandal Castle13.77 Km
Cities or Towns near Airedale

List of places near to

Townville0.87 Km
Wheldale1.15 Km
New Fryston1.31 Km
Water Fryston1.43 Km
Holmfield1.66 Km
Glass Houghton1.73 Km
New Town2.11 Km
Castleford Ings2.25 Km
Newton2.36 Km
Lady Balk2.51 Km
Castleford2.63 Km
Brotherton2.82 Km
Half Acres2.83 Km
Round Hill2.85 Km
Fairburn2.87 Km
Monkhill3.03 Km
Byram3.23 Km
Ferrybridge3.32 Km
Hightown3.35 Km
Marl Pits3.56 Km
Cutsyke3.59 Km
Pontefract3.62 Km
Ledston3.73 Km
Harewood Park3.77 Km
Ferrybridge Hill3.81 Km
Whitwood Mere4.01 Km
Sutton4.03 Km
Burton Salmon4.16 Km
Ledsham4.16 Km
Willow Park4.19 Km
Grove Town4.25 Km
Allerton Bywater4.27 Km
Eastbourne4.42 Km
Chequerfield4.48 Km
North Featherstone4.50 Km
Knottingley4.86 Km
Whitwood4.94 Km
Strawberry Hill5.01 Km
Lower Mickletown5.23 Km
Ledston Luck5.54 Km
Broomhill5.55 Km
Woodend5.57 Km
Mount Pleasant5.61 Km
Carleton5.62 Km
Ackton5.66 Km
Mickletown5.75 Km
Lumby5.76 Km
Gilcar5.85 Km
Methley Junction5.87 Km
Hopetown5.88 Km