Ainsdale-on-Sea Map, Satellite view of Ainsdale-on-Sea, Merseyside, England

Ainsdale-on-Sea is located in Merseyside County, Sefton District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Ainsdale-on-Sea

Latitude of city of Ainsdale-on-Sea is 53.60430 and longitude of city of Ainsdale-on-Sea is -3.06690. Ainsdale-on-Sea has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Merseyside.
The County of Ainsdale-on-Sea is Merseyside.

Postcode / zip code of Ainsdale-on-Sea

PR8 2

Administrative division of Ainsdale-on-Sea

County :Merseyside

GPS coordinates of Ainsdale-on-Sea

Latitude : 53.60430
Longitude : -3.06690

Online Map of Ainsdale-on-Sea - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Ainsdale-on-Sea in the United Kingdom

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Ainsdale-on-Sea weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Ainsdale-on-Sea?

List of Railway Stations near to Ainsdale-on-Sea
The nearest railway stations to Ainsdale-on-Sea are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ainsdale-on-Sea
Ainsdale Station1.62 Km
Hillside Station3.42 Km
Freshfield Station4.26 Km
Birkdale Station4.79 Km
Formby Station5.66 Km
Southport Station6.33 Km
Meols Cop Station7.61 Km
Hightown Station8.83 Km
Bescar Lane Station10.28 Km
Hall Road Station11.93 Km

Airports Near to Ainsdale-on-Sea

RAF Woodvale , UK (2.63 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ainsdale-on-Sea?

List of Stops near to Ainsdale-on-Sea
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ainsdale-on-Sea are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ainsdale-on-Sea
Pontins Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank)583 m
Coastal Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)592 m
Coastal Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)627 m
Chatsworth Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)1.01 Km
Westminster Drive Bus Stop (adj)1.04 Km
Sevenoaks Avenue Bus Stop (Adjacent)1.16 Km
Kenilworth Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)1.19 Km
Shore Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)1.19 Km
Sevenoaks Avenue Bus Stop (opp)1.20 Km
Westminster Drive Bus Stop (opp)1.33 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Ainsdale-on-Sea

List of Historic places near to Ainsdale-on-Sea

NameDistances from Ainsdale-on-Sea
Meols Hall9.18 Km
Cities or Towns near Ainsdale-on-Sea

List of places near to

Ainsdale1.76 Km
Woodvale1.97 Km
Hillside3.39 Km
Freshfield4.27 Km
Birkdale4.42 Km
Formby5.27 Km
Southport6.19 Km
Little Altcar6.46 Km
Shirdley Hill6.64 Km
Great Altcar6.79 Km
Brown Edge7.09 Km
Pool Hey7.47 Km
Barton7.59 Km
Haskayne7.60 Km
Carr Cross7.61 Km
Jack's Mere7.66 Km
Blowick7.75 Km
Halsall7.81 Km
High Park8.33 Km
Snape Green8.37 Km
Scarisbrick8.42 Km
Hightown8.81 Km
Lady Green8.91 Km
Downholland Cross8.93 Km
Bangor's Green9.03 Km
Churchtown9.24 Km
Ince Blundell9.31 Km
Carr Houses9.48 Km
Bescar9.51 Km
Marshside9.53 Km
Pinfold9.55 Km
Drummersdale9.96 Km
Hurlston Green10.44 Km
Hurlston10.64 Km
Crossens10.93 Km
Smithy Lane Ends10.97 Km
Heaton's Bridge11.01 Km
Homer Green11.05 Km
Lydiate11.05 Km
Little Crosby11.11 Km
Fiddler's Ferry11.29 Km
Lunt11.92 Km
Aughton12.14 Km
Thornton12.22 Km
Moor Park12.37 Km
Banks12.50 Km
Ormskirk12.64 Km
Maghull12.73 Km
Holt Green12.78 Km
Town Green12.79 Km